The Dream | Park Jimin | Part 1

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It was the second week of 9th grade. It started horribly. On both Monday and Tuesday, I just tried my best to keep myself awake, because for some reason I was really sleepy, even if I went to bed as usual. I was also feeling down and didn't have the energy to do anything. I just wanted to give up. But then, on Wednesday it changed...

On the night between Tuesday and Wednesday, I had a beautiful but also kind of sad dream. It was about me and my crush, Jimin.

In reality, we are actually friends, but then we didn't talk at all when we had a vacation. And he didn't support me like he always did when I was feeling down. So I got mad at him and wanted to forget him. But I couldn't. I still can't.

But in the dream, we were walking to our lockers because it was the end of the day. When we had come to the lockers, I saw one of his friends, Namjoon, leaning against them. When he heard and saw us talking, he ran up to Jimin.

- Hey Jimin! Namjoon said.

- Oh, hey Joon. What's up? Jimin answered.

- Jimin, you know what's up. Just do it. Namjoon said, with a serious look on his face.

- Namjoon, what are you talking about? I asked, very confused about the situation.

- Y/N, I have something to ask you... Jimin said while looking straight into my eyes. I could see that he was kind of nervous.

- What is it? I asked Jimin, with an even more confused, little bit shocked face.

- Will you... will you be my girlfriend? He asked.

- OMG! YES!! I screamed. I could feel how tears started to form in my eyes. He hugged me tightly, while I looked at Namjoon. He smiled at me, and I smiled back.

It felt like the time just stopped, right then and there. I was so happy, that my crush, actually felt the same towards me. But then I snapped back to reality...

- Wait, what is happening here? I could hear my best friend asking, while Jimin broke the hug, and we both looked at my friend.

- Jimin asked Y/N out, answered Namjoon with a big smile on his face...

I hope you will like this story! In the future, I might have a specific day of when I will upload, but for now, I'll just write randomly. 

Love you all!

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