Vampire Lovers | Min Yoongi | Part 7

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*time skip*

We were almost home. It was like 5 minutes left of the drive. Then Yoongi asked:

- So, what did you want to talk about?

I was a bit scared to actually tell him, but I had been thinking about this for a while now.

- Well... we have been together for a good year now and I thought I wanted to take it up a notch... I started, still unsure how to really say it.

- And what do you mean by that? He asked.

Right then, we arrived home. Yoongi turned off the engine, pulled out the car key and turned towards me.

- Do you mean, like, our private life (if you know what I mean)? He then asked.

- No, I mean... more like... how do I say this... You're a vampire, right? I said.

- Yeah?

- And you like sucking blood?

- Yep.

- Well, when you first tried my blood, I was scared but you said that I couldn't turn into a vampire just like that. You have to-

- Inject my venom into your bloodstream. I remember that.

- Good. Now, if you turn me into a vampire, what kind of difference is there going to?

Yoongi got quiet for a while. I know, it may be weird. To just ask that kind of a question. But what if I was a vampire? What would it be like?

- That's a good question. But, I have a good answer, Yoongi started.

He told me that if he turns me into a vampire, I will not be able to die. I can die from getting old, but not if I get into a bad accident or if someone would shoot me. I will still feel pain, but I will not die. Also, he will still be able to drink my blood. As a male vampire, he has to drink a lot of female blood. I will not be as blood-thirsty as him, but he will get me blood if needed. And obviously, I will get fangs. The process of him turning me into a vampire is simple but painful. It will hurt as much as the first time he drank my blood, but the process will take a longer time because he has to inject the venom. I told him that I had been thinking about this for a while and was sure that I wanted to turn into a vampire.

- Are you sure? I mean, when it's done, there's no turning back, he said.

- I'm sure. Now, do you need some kind of... I don't know... preparation? I asked him. I didn't know how it works, so I had to ask.

- First of all, we maybe shouldn't do it in the car. You're going to be very weak afterward so you will need to sleep. Other than that, I'm just going to try to make it easy and quick.

- Ok, let's go inside then.

We got out of the car, I grabbed my house keys and opened the door. I took off my shoes and jacket, left my bag, waited for Yoongi and then walked up to our bedroom.

- Now, like last time. You will after a while have a problem with just standing by yourself. But, that's what I'm here for. You'll just hold on to me, Yoongi said. I did as he said. I wrapped my arms around his neck, tightly. We were standing right in front of our bed, so if anything, I could just fall back and land on the bed.

- Ready? He asked.

Hi guys! I hope you like this chapter! Sadly, the next chapter of 'Vampire Lovers' is probably gonna be the last. But I've got new stories coming up! See ya!

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