How BTS saved your life | JiKook | Part 1

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This story is about suicide and self-harm. If you don't like that kind of stuff, then just skip this story. 

When I was a little kid and moved to another country, I started to go to a nearby school. I was learning the language and every other subject that a 6-year-old has at school. But I was lonely, and my "friends" pushed me away and didn't let me play with them...

After 3 years in that school, I moved to another school, because we moved to another house. In the beginning, I thought everything was fine, until one of my friends left me alone, again.

Then I started 7th grade, in another school. I finally got some real friends. But I also got a lot of mean comments and mean looks from a lot of the other people in the other classes. And that's where I started getting sad more often, and everything they said, I took it really hard against myself. After a while, I started getting depressed and wanted to hurt myself. I have already cut my wrist like 5 times. But only my friends know about it. My best friends...

In 8th grade, I started listening to BTS. They changed my life a bit. Their songs were sometimes so close to the things that have happened to me, so I thought they were singing about me sometimes. My dream is to meet them one day. That's like the only reason I still am alive, besides my friends and my family...

One day, I moved to Korea, because I got a job at Big Hit Entertainment. And my dream came true, every day. I saw and met BTS every, single day. But I was still really depressed, but I didn't show it at work. I became very good friends with BTS, and I told my story of my childhood in another country. And about my scars...

They got a bit worried, so they made sure I was OK every day. I felt safe around them. They always protected me, and if I could, I protected them. For a while, I actually stopped hurting myself...

But it all came back, from out of nowhere. I started hurting myself again, but it was worse than before. Every day, I came sad to work, and when the boys saw my half-bloody wrists and arms, they started to get even more worried. They asked me why I did it, but I didn't know.

The thing is, that I live alone. I don't have any family in Korea, and I don't have a boyfriend that could live with me. So because of that loneliness, I cut myself.

I J-hope you like this story (sorry I had to make that joke lol). I haven't had time to upload, I was on a class trip in Poland and then got my heart broken by my crush, so I have had a hard time. But I'll try to keep updating!

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