Bad Boy | YoonMin | Part 1

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Hi! My name is Y/N and I'm 17 years old. I'm a normal girl that goes to school, has good grades and all that stuff. Even though I look like an innocent girl, I like wearing black clothes like hoodies and ripped jeans. I like being a "bad girl", you could almost say. I like hanging out with guys and I have a couple of guy friends. But you don't have to be scared, I'm not smoking or drinking and I don't stay up all night running around and getting drunk. So don't think I'm that bad. I'm better than that. Even if some of my friends do drink, I don't. But that doesn't matter right now.

So, me and two of my guy friends, Yoongi and Jimin, wanted to hang out one night. We hadn't had the opportunity yet, but when we found one night we all could hang out, we planned it nicely. I was supposed to come to one of the guy's house and we would get some pizza and watch a movie or something. Nothing weird, just a couple of friends hanging out. I knew that they will probably drink, but that didn't change me in any way. I wouldn't start drinking because of them. But I like how they are, like, bad boys. Especially Yoongi. He looked so cool and sexy in his different outfits. You could say I had a little crush on him.

*time skip*

It was the night we were supposed to meet. I was at home, trying to find a good looking outfit. I chose my favorite pair of ripped jeans, a black hoodie, and a thick lace choker. Then, I put on my black sneakers, grabbed my cross helmet and went out. I put on my helmet, started my cross bike and drove off.

When I had arrived at Yoongi's house, I parked my cross outside, took off my helmet and walked up to the door. The door opened and I saw my friends standing in the door opening.

- Hey Y/N! Jimin said as he hugged me. Yoongi hugged me as well.

- Hi guys, how are you doin'? I asked them.

- We're good. So, ready for tonight?

- Of course. What are we going to do?

- We wanted to chill for a bit first, then we can get some food and watch a movie or something.

- Perfect!

We walked into the living room, sat down on the couch and they immediately got out their vape mods. I know a little bit about vaping because they always talk about it. So I know the different intensities of nicotine in the different juices, which is the liquid you pour into the tank to get a taste. Also, I have seen them doing cool tricks like making smoke rings and other things. I have tried vaping myself, but try not to do it too much. Just from time to time.

They started smoking, and in just a few minutes the room was getting filled with smoke. It was harder and harder to breathe and see. After about 20 minutes, I couldn't see anything that was further than 3 feet in front of me. It was impossible. We were just talking, I was vaping and it was pretty fun. Then, we wanted to do something more fun so we decided to play Truth or Dare. We moved closer to each other a bit, so I was pretty much sitting in between the two guys, but just a bit closer to Yoongi. When it comes to guys, I always want them to give me attention but I try to get their attention sneakily, but I don't want to be too obvious. While I was sitting beside Yoongi, I looked at him and imagined how it would be to just be able to like lay my head on his shoulder or put my hand on his thigh. But of course, that's just something I can imagine. It will probably never happen. 

Hi guys! I'm back again, finally with a new story! I'll hope you'll enjoy and excuse the bad uploading and the fact that I can't get myself together and actually write anything. School is very important for me and my mind is too tired to think about writing. But I'm going to get on that and do my best, I promise. I just don't want to let you guys down...

See ya!

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