The Lake at Midnight | Jeon Jungkook | Part 2

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~I see that I'm not the only one in need of some fresh air and quietness, a voice said from behind the tower...~

I recognized that voice, it was familiar. It belonged to a boy that I used to hang out with last summer, Jungkook.

- Long time no see, I answer as Jungkook walks up to me, stopping right by my left side.

- A very long time, Jungkook hummed.

- What brought you here? And why here specifically? I ask, quite curious as to why he came here.

- Well, probably for the same reason as you. I needed a break and I used to come here before I got to know you.

- It was your spot, huh?

- Yeah, I often came here to either write music or just to relax sometimes.

- Same for me, I don't write music though.

- But you're writing something, I can tell.

- Yeah, I like to write stories, mostly romantic ones.

- Can I see it?

- Sure, just don't laugh at how horrible it might be.

- I can't promise anything.

Jungkook chuckled and sat down beside me. I opened a page, where I had written my favorite story so far, and handed him the notebook. I just focused on the sunset as Jungkook read the words on the page. I looked at him for a second, seeing him smile.

- Is it that bad? I asked, worried that he would make fun of me.

- No, it's amazing! You're so talented, I never knew you were this good at writing, he answered softly.

- Why were you smiling so much then? I asked, knowing there was something he wasn't telling me.

- I just really liked this part, right here, he said as he pointed to a sentence in the text.


"I heard him play the piano in his room. It was a beautiful tune, something completely new to me though. I carefully and quietly opened the door to his room, hearing the melody much clearer.

- I wrote it while thinking about you, he said, awakening me from my daydream.

- Me? I ask, not being sure if he meant me.

- Yes, you. Because you're one of a kind, just like this song. And I love you, the same way I love this song, if not more."


Did you have anyone specific in mind when you wrote this? Jungkook said after I finished reading.

- What makes you think I had someone in mind? I ask I didn't want him to know the truth, my secret...

- Maybe the fact that my name is written right by this paragraph.

I had forgotten about that. I wrote it there since he was my inspiration. And because I imagined us in that scenario. Jungkook and I. How I wished for that to happen. But now, my secret is no secret anymore.

- You were my inspiration since you write music and I love listening to it. I didn't want to ever forget the person I had in mind, so I wrote your name down, to always remember you, I explained, trying my best to not say too much. I didn't want to ruin this wonderful friendship.

- You're not the only one, Jungkook whispered.

- What do you mean? I ask.

- I made this so I wouldn't forget you, he said before handing me a cassette tape titled "Y/N".

- Why are you giving this to me though? Don't you want to keep it for yourself?

- I want you to enjoy the music, but just pay a little attention to the songs themselves.

- Sure, I'll listen to it later when I get back home.

I looked at Jungkook, smiling, and I could feel my cheeks burn up.

- Well, I have to get going. I don't want everyone at home to start worrying about me, he said sadly, as if he didn't want to leave.

- Hopefully, I'll see you around more often, I said.

- Of course. Don't forget about the cassette. Later! He exclaimed as he got further and further away from me.

- Later! I shouted back, waving 'goodbye'.

- Later..., I whispered to myself.


Hi guys! Another part of this new story is here! It's kinda funny because this story is somewhat inspired by "Call Me by Your Name" and Timothée Chalamet but for the sake of it matching this book, I changed it to Jungkook :)

I hope you're liking it so far! See ya soon again!


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