The Pool Party | Jeon Jungkook | Part 8

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It was so nice to just lay in bed and cuddle. It was like the best time of my life. I wasn't lonely anymore, and I had someone that cared about me.

*time skip, 2 years later*

So, it's my second year in college. Jungkook and I are still together, and we live in my house together. It was the week before my birthday, and I didn't really expect anything special to happen on my birthday. No one did anything special, so I actually didn't like to be thinking about my birthday too much. But this time, it would be different...

Jungkook P.O.V

Me and the boys wanted to surprise Y/N. It was her 20th birthday and we wanted to do something special. I know that she has never had a real birthday party, so we wanted to invite her to a "dinner night", but it would actually be a big party with all of the boys.

In the morning, I would surprise with a gift - a beautiful dress - and I'll make her some delicious breakfast. Then, I'll tell her that the boys and I have dinner night and if she wants to come with us. She will wear the dress and hopefully come with us. When we arrive, we'll tell her that this is not really a dinner night, but more of like a party just for her.

Hopefully, everything will work out perfectly. But I can make her change her mind easily, and convince her. So if something doesn't really work out, I can hopefully fix it.

**time skip**

The day has come. It was Y/N's birthday. I woke up a bit early, to go downstairs and prepare everything. We went shopping two days ago, and I asked Y/N to show me her dream dress. Of course, she said 'I can't buy it because it's too expensive'. Yesterday, I went and bought the same exact dress, and wrapped nicely like a real birthday gift. Today, I started with preparing a line of rose petals, leading from our bedroom to the kitchen. Also some balloons, confetti, and other stuff. Then I started cooking some breakfast. When I was done, I went to get my phone and decided to call her.

- Good morning, sweetheart. Did you sleep well? I asked her in a calm voice.

- Oh, good morning Kookie. Yeah, I slept pretty well, she answered me.

- Well, I have a little surprise for you... I said, not wanting to say too much.

- Really? A surprise? Is there an occasion? She asked.

- You'll see if you get out of our room, sleepy head.

She ended the call. I guessed she got out of the bedroom. Then I heard when she was walking down the stairs, following the rose petals. I was sitting in the kitchen, waiting for her. Finally, she got all the way down the stairs and walked into the kitchen.

- Surprise! I screamed. She got a bit scared, probably shocked.

- Wha- What on earth? What's this all for? She said, scared. As I guessed.

- Well, it's your birthday. And because it's your 20th birthday, I wanted it to be special. Also, I know no one has ever really celebrated your birthday in this kind of way.

- Oh my god, thank you, babe! She exclaimed while jumping into my embrace and hugging me tightly.

- Now, sit down and eat your breakfast. I have something to talk to you about. She sat down by the kitchen counter, and I served her breakfast. A croissant, with Nutella, strawberries and some orange juice. Pretty simple, but good.

- You did this? All for me? You're too sweet, I don't deserve all of this...

- Now. The plan is that me and the boys are going out to eat dinner later today and I thought that you maybe wanted to go with us?

- But am I not going to be in the way? It's after all your dinner night...

- No, the boys suggested me to ask you about this. We all want you to go.

- Well, if you say so... But what am I going to wear?

- Maybe... this? I said as I gave her the dress, packaged in a nice box, with a big bow on top.

- What? She said, looking at me with wide eyes.

- Open it!

Hi guys! I'm back with 'The Pool Party'. I just noticed that this story is going to last a good couple of chapters to post, it's so long! But I've now finished another little story that you might see coming up soon. Have a good weekend and see ya!

Btw always remember I love all of you guys reading my stories, I never thought anyone would read my stories at all. So I really appreciate it! Love u!

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