The Dream | Park Jimin | Part 5

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He intertwined his hand with mine. It felt like the dream from last night was partly coming true. Maybe not as detailed and not in the same place, but still. The dream was about Jimin confessing his feelings to me. And he just did in reality.

We walked back inside, and he wrapped his arm around my waist. I felt so safe, just walking beside him. A few of my friends walked past us, and they looked at us while smiling and giggling. A lot of the people that had said that was an awful person and that I would never get a boyfriend, just stared at me and Jimin, jaws dropped. We went to his locker, and he took out a hoodie.

- Go and change into this, your shirt is soaking wet, Jimin said.

- What about you, then? I asked.

- I'll be fine, trust me, babe.

- But-

- No buts, now go and change, Jimin demanded.

So I went to a bathroom, took off my soaking wet t-shirt and put on Jimin's hoodie. It smelled so good! Then I went back to Jimin while looking at the time. Our next class would start in a few minutes.

- You look so cute in my hoodie, baby, Jimin said as he saw me coming back out from the toilet. I just blushed at his words.

- You're even cuter when you blush, he said and pecked me on the lips. I blushed even more. Then we went together to the next class...

*time skip*

It was finally the end of the day. I can finally go home...

Jimin P.O.V

Finally! The end of the day! Now, let's see if my plan will work out... I was thinking of asking Y/N if she wants to maybe go to a cafe, and then see if her parents are home or not. If she's gonna' be alone, then I will go with her home, and maybe stay overnight. Hopefully, it works out perfectly...

Your P.O.V

When you had packed all your things, Jimin came up to you and asked:

- Do you have anything to do now, or are you free?

- Well, I didn't have anything planned. Why? I asked.

- I wanted to take you to a nearby cafe for our first date, kind of.

- I would love to go there with you! But how are we going to go there? Is it close?

- Don't worry, we will go on my dirt bike. Have you been on one before?

- No...

- Don't worry. I'll make sure you're safe. Let's go!

We went to the back where there was a parking lot. We stopped in front of a dirt bike, that looked exactly like the one in my dream! He gave me the same kind of helmet, and of course, helped me to put it on. Then I sat down behind him, and we drove off, in the direction of the cafe.

Hi guys! I decided to update my Wattpad and post a new part of this story! I was already bored, so  I thought it would be a good idea. I'm trying to write as much as I can, but right now I'm writing a story that I probably won't publish because it's too personal.

But anyways, hope you like it and see you soon! Love u!

Ps. The picture I added at the top, is actually edited by me lol.

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