Me and Jungkook | Jeon Jungkook | Part 5 (The End)

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I felt how I started getting teary again. I looked up at Jungkook, and his cute bunny smile, and jumped up into his embrace and hugged him tightly. I didn't want to let go. I wanted to stay like that forever. But I remembered that Jungkook is holding me pretty much in mid-air, so I looked back at him, gave him a quick kiss on the lips, and he could see my eyes signaling "You can let go of me now", so he carefully let go of my legs so I could stand up straight again.

- Thank you so much, you're the best boyfriend in the world, I said to Jungkook.

- Anything for my princess, he answered while walking closer to me, lifting me up and placing me on the bed.

Then he went to my wardrobe, where he hid the bags with party-supplies, and grabbed some paper plates, spoons and a knife.

- Let's eat some cake!

He sounded like a little kid. But it's cute. Jungkook started to cut the cake and put one slice each on two paper plates. He took a spoonful of cake and put it in front of my mouth like he wanted to feed me. I opened my mouth and ate the cake, which was delicious!

The rest of the day we just cuddled in bed, watched some movies and ate snacks. Just like he had written in his little letter. That day was one of the best days of my entire life.

I love you, Jungkook.

The End

Hi guys! So that was the end of this story! I' m going to post a new one as a replacement for this one, kind of. So I hope you will like it! See ya guys soon! 

And yes, another picture edited by me lol

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