Bad Boy | YoonMin | Part 3

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I hugged him tightly. It felt so nice to feel the warmth he had been holding in, he had been saving it for someone special. And that someone was me. He leaned away a bit, got some smoke into his mouth and kissed me, getting some of the smoke into my mouth. Then we breathed out smoke together. I giggled and hugged him again. Unfortunately, our nice hug was interrupted by the sound of something falling in the house. We ran inside and found Jimin on the floor, not being able to stand up.

- How much did you drink, you idiot? Yoongi asked.

- Not much, Jimin answered with a drunk voice. A lot.

- Y/N, can you help me to get him into the bed? He can't stay here on the floor and he's gonna fall asleep soon, Yoongi asked.

- Of course, I answered.

Yoongi grabbed Jimin under his arms and I grabbed his legs, carrying him into the bed. We took off his clothes (well, mostly Yoongi. I was too shy) and got him under the covers. He was mumbling things the whole time, but neither of us could understand anything. Yoongi and I walked out of the room after getting Jimin done, going into the living room. It was a big mess in there. Broken glasses, empty alcohol bottles, and snacks all over the floor. I noticed that Yoongi was tired as well, so I told him to at least clean a bit in the kitchen, while I would take care of the living room. He agreed and I started cleaning everything up. I heard Yoongi open another bottle, so I just yelled "Ya!" and looked into the kitchen. He had taken a glass but put the bottle back when he saw me. Then I continued with the cleaning...

*time skip*

I was finally done with the living room and had helped Yoongi with the kitchen a bit. He was pretty drunk at this point and he got clingy. He hugged me now and then, thanking me the whole time for helping him. I asked him where I was going to sleep, thinking that I would maybe sleep on the couch or something.

- What do you mean where? In my bed, obviously! He said.

- Oh okay, I thought I would be sleeping on the couch, I said shyly.

- No, now that you're my babe, you're going to sleep with me.

I agreed and headed to bed. He was taking off his clothes, while I sat on the bed and looked at my phone.

- Aren't you gonna take your clothes off? He said as I looked at him. He was standing in front of me in only his boxers, showing off his perfect body. I blushed.

- W-well, I don't know... I answered, trying to hide my red cheeks.

- I can help you if you want to... He said as he removed my hands from my face and started taking off my shirt.

I got all my clothes off, apart from my underwear of course, and got into bed with Yoongi. I was so nice and cozy, even if it felt to be laying in bed with a guy in only my underwear. But after a while I got more comfortable, he wrapped his arm around my waist and we fell asleep like that...

*time skip, next morning*

I woke up the next morning, looking for my phone. After thinking about everything that happened last night, I understood what that meant. I was Yoongi's girlfriend. Like, for real. I somehow couldn't wrap my head around that fact. I felt how Yoongi moved around beside me, so I turned around and looked at him as he woke up.

- Good morning, beautiful, he said with a dark and raspy voice. I loved that voice, it sounded so hot.

- Good morning, sleepyhead, I said as I pecked him on the lips. I looked into his eyes and zoned out, thinking back to last night again.

- What are you thinking about, babe? He asked, noticing my concentrated face.

- I just can't understand that we are a thing now... I answered.

- Well, I can reassure you... He said as he rolled up, getting up and hovering over me.

- And how are you going to do that? I asked, knowing he probably planned something dirty.

- Maybe like this... He said, as he leaned in and started kissing me deeply.

And just like yesterday, I got so into it. It was an unbelievable feeling and experience. But, again, our minute of affection and love got destroyed by Jimin, that little brat. He opened the door, planning to wake us up, but saw a very weird thing going on in Yoongi's bed instead.

- The hell is going on here?! He exclaimed, not believing his eyes.

- Get the f*ck out! This is my room! Yoongi yelled at him. Jimin closed the door quickly.

- You promised me to not yell at him, I said to Yoongi.

- Sorry, babe. But he always interrupts us... He said, pouting.

- You're so cute when you pout, I said while I squished his cheeks. I started giggling.

We then decided to get out of bed, get ready and go eat some breakfast. When we walked into the kitchen, Jimin was already sitting by the table drinking some water. I wasn't really hungry, so I only ate a simple sandwich and a cup of tea. The guys also made some sandwiches and we all ate together. We talked about last night, Jimin didn't remember anything and it was overall fun. After breakfast, I cleaned up and we all decided to watch a movie. We settled down on the couch, looking for a good movie on Netflix. Finally, it came down to ___ (insert name of your favorite movie). I sat with Yoongi, laying my head on his shoulder. Jimin looked at us, slowly understanding that we're probably together. His theory got confirmed when Yoongi wrapped his arm around me and pecking me on the cheek. 

A/N: Hey there guys! This story is slowly coming to an end, there will be one more short chapter and then it's finished! I haven't been writing a lot lately, but I have been thinking of changing one of my stories so it fits BTS, even though it was written with another person in mind. But it's a long one and it's really good (I hope XD). I was also considering making a nickname for myself that I sign off with at the end of every upload. If you have any suggestions, comment down below!

Anyway, I J-Hope you enjoyed this chapter and I'll see you soon! Luv u!

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