Bad Boy | YoonMin | Part 4 (The End)

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~I sat with Yoongi, laying my head on his shoulder. Jimin looked at us, slowly understanding that we're probably together. His theory got confirmed when Yoongi wrapped his arm around me and pecking me on the cheek. ~

Jimin P.O.V

I saw how Y/N and Yoongi were all lovey-dovey. I didn't mind and I wasn't jealous. Maybe a little bit, because honestly, I think that Y/N is a wonderful girl with both good looks and a good personality. But I'm happy for them being together. I knew about Yoongi's feelings towards Y/N for a while now and I motivated him to make a move. Life doesn't come down to only one girl, only one "love of the life". Y/N is not the only girl I'll like. And every guy that says that they only like that one, specific girl and that he's not going to love another girl in his life, is just the biggest lie. Those kinds of guys are dumb. But one thing is for sure - Yoongi and I, are not that kind of guys. We are loyal, but we know that we just have to move on as well.

Yoongi P.O.V

I saw Jimin looking at me and Y/N from time to time. But I don't think he is jealous. Maybe a bit, obviously, 'cause it's always awkward to be hanging out with friends and be the only one that is single. I know how it feels. I can't always find the right kind of friends. But meeting Jimin was the best thing in my life. And falling in love with Y/N as well, of course. But Jimin just understands me so well. Even if we're only best friends, it almost feels like we're brothers. I'm happy to have such good friends like Jimin and Y/N and being able to trust them. Nowadays, you can't trust anyone. It's hard to find people that won't just stab a knife in your back for no reason. So asking Y/N out was a very good decision.


I didn't pay attention to the movie that much at this point. I was thinking about my friends. My relation between both Yoongi and Jimin. Yoongi is like the best guy I've ever met and ever wanted to be together with. But Jimin is as good. He is always so kind and wants to help, but also really cute. Yoongi on the other hand, is the classic bad boy, just with a soft middle. He might seem like a cold person with no feelings and emotions. But if you give it some time and get closer to him, you'll see he is very kind as well. And that gummy smile of his. It's like the best thing. He doesn't smile often in like public, but when we're messing around he always smiles. I just love having Jimin and Yoongi as close friends.

But going back to this weekend, it has been an awesome one. I've been hanging out with the best people and even been able to confess my feelings to Yoongi. Now, I'll have something to do pretty much every weekend - hanging out with my ChimChim and Yoongo Bongo.

To be continued...

(Kind of a weird end, but wanted to include the cute little nicknames :))

A/N: Hey guys! I had another break from posting, but I have been working on a new, adorable story that I hope some of you could possibly recognize yourself in :)

Anyways, this is the end of 'Bad Boy', but I have been trying to continue it, so who knows, maybe you'll hear about the bad boys again...


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