Vampire Lovers | Min Yoongi | Part 8 (The End)

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I nodded. He kissed me, the last time from a normal human. Then, he got ready. I closed my eyes, he opened his mouth... And he bit down. Tears started to flow from my eyes. He started sucking my blood and I already felt weak. But I had to hold on for just a bit more. I felt it. I felt as the venom got mixed into my blood. Couple seconds later, Yoongi started to pull out his fangs. I couldn't even hold on anymore, I had no strength left. I lost my grip and started falling down. I saw Yoongi's scared face, but he didn't catch me in time. I fell straight down and hit the floor. I was just laying there, you could think I was dead. But I was breathing, but barely keeping my eyes open.

- Y-yoongi, what's going on? I asked as it felt like I was dying.

- Don't worry, I'll just pick you up... He said. He lifted me up, laid me down on the bed and tucked me in.

- You will fall asleep, but when you wake up, you will feel the need to drink something and you'll have fangs. I will be here, by your side the whole time...

That was the last thing I heard him say. I fell asleep. My body was still limb and I was scared. But I forgot about that when I fell asleep.

*time skip*

I woke up because of the sun that was getting into my eyes. I still felt a bit dizzy, but not as much as last night. I looked to the side and saw Yoongi sleeping peacefully. Then, you felt the weirdest thing. You were so thirsty! I was about to go and get some water when Yoongi woke up.

- Thirsty, huh? He asked like he could read my mind.

- Yeah, very thirsty. Too thirsty, I answered.

- I'll get you something, he said as he went out of the bed and walked downstairs.

He came back after a while with a glass of red liquid.

- Is that blood?! I asked, very shocked.

- Yeah, obviously it is. I mean, you're a vampire now. You'll drink mostly blood.

- But how can I drink blood? And from who, or what in that matter, is it?

- It's my blood.

- How? Did you like have to cut yourself or what?

- I'm just kidding. It is just blood you can get in bags, the kind I'm drinking. So don't worry, it's not like infected or something. Just try it.

- Are you sure

- Well, do you want to stay thirsty?

- Ok, then.

I grabbed the glass and then just decided to do it. No hesitation. I took a sip, swallowed and waited for a while. It actually wasn't that bad. So I took another sip and that way I emptied the whole glass.

- Not that bad, huh? Yoongi asked.

- Not that bad. I thought it was going to awful.

- Well, now you know how it is to be a vampire!

The End!

Sadly, that is the end of 'Vampire Lovers'. This is probably one of my favorite stories, mostly because I like the thing about vampires, you know? It's kind of sad that they're not an actual thing... But maybe that's for the better. Anyways, see ya soon! Love you!

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