The Pool Party | Jeon Jungkook | Part 7

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*time skip*

It was the morning after the party, and I woke up because of the sunlight shining at my face. Then I felt the covers move beside me, so I looked over and saw Y/N opening her eyes.

- Good morning, beautiful, I said calmly.

- Good morn- wait. What are you doing in my bed? And what am I doing in my-

I kissed her to shut her up. I know, maybe a bit rude. But I just missed her lips so much.

- After the party yesterday, you lost your conscience so I put you to bed. And your friends wanted me to stay with you overnight, so I slept with you. I started explaining the situation a bit.

- But, why are you only in your underwear? Did you...

- No, I didn't do anything to you. Trust me. I just didn't feel like sleeping in my sweaty clothes, if you know what I mean.

- Yeah, you right. Maybe we should make some breakfast?

- I'm actually kind of hungry so some breakfast would be perfect. I can make you-

- No, I'm going to do something for you now, so I'll make it.

She was so cute. She probably wanted to thank me for taking care of her. She tried to get out of bed, but her body was weak. She was trying to walk, but she fell after a while. I quickly got up and helped her up.

- Maybe I'll help you down? I asked her.

- Yeah... She looked so cute. She wanted to do everything herself, but she couldn't. She just pouted.

- I'll help you, come here.

- No, don't lift me up! I'm too heavy for you!

I lifted her up anyways and she wrapped her legs around my waist and her arms around my neck. I walked down the stairs with her, walked into the kitchen and sat her down on the counter.

- I think you don't know what heavy is if you say that you're heavy, I said and pecked her on the lips.

I know she has insecurities, but that's what I'm here for. I'm trying to make her feel good in her own body. I want her to be able to look in the mirror and say 'I'm beautiful'. I want her to love herself. I will do anything to make her feel good and be happy.

- I love you, and for me, it doesn't matter how you look. You can be wearing a dress, or sweats and a shirt. You can have makeup and nice hair, or have a face mask and a bun. I love you for the person you are, not the person you're trying to be. Remember that, I told her. I kept looking straight into her eyes, and I saw her sad face.

It breaks my heart to see her sad or angry, or just hearing her saying bad things about herself.

- Really? She asked me like she didn't believe me.

- Really. I have known about your insecurities for a long time and I wanted to just be with you all the time and help you to get over them. I didn't want to be together with you just to be in a relationship or to use you like a slave or anything.

- I love you too... And I'm very thankful that you want to help me to feel better. I have never really had this kind of connection with anyone...

- Well, now you have me, babe.

I hugged her tightly and kissed her on the forehead. Then I let her go and said:

- Let's make some breakfast, shall we? I'll help you.

We made some pancakes and some eggs and bacon. When we had eaten our breakfast, we decided to go back to bed and just watch TV and cuddle. 

Hi guys! I'm back fully recovered! Well, I'm still working on my stories, but I'm starting to fill up my stock. The uploads might be slow for a little while, but in a month or two I'll upload a bit more. See ya soon!

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