How BTS saved your life | JiKook | Part 2 (Discontinued)

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After a while, I got so weak, that sometimes I could just sit down, look at my scars and start crying. And then one of the members would come up to me, worried, and comfort me. Sometimes there would even be a few members that insisted on going home with me and staying over the weekend.

That happened today. Jimin and Jungkook followed me home and stayed over for the whole weekend.

* at midnight *

I woke up because I was cold. Lonely. I got out of bed, and quitely walked out of my room and went to the bathroom. I wanted to feel pain again. The pain when I cut myself. There was a razor laying on the edge of the sink, and I picked it up. I started crying. I stumbled backward and hit the wall. I slid down and sat down on the floor. I pressed the razor against my wrist and dragged it along. I could see the bright, red blood, streaming down my forearm. Then I started to cut my other arm, and there was blood getting everywhere. I started to cry louder, so loud that Jimin heard me, opened the door to the bathroom, and ran towards me. I was still holding the razor in my hand, and he quickly took it and threw it away in the trash can. He hugged me tightly and said:

Please, stop hurting yourself. If you cut yourself then I will do it too. Please, do it for me...

I could hear that his voice was shaky, but I couldn't see anything. My tears were flowing down my cheeks, and I kept my eyes shut. But I heard that someone else ran into the bathroom. I opened my eyes and Jimin looked at me, and then Jungkook came closer and lifted me up, and carried me to my bedroom. Jimin ran and got some water and a towel to clean the cuts.

When they were done, I hugged them both and said:

I'm so sorry, but I don't want to live anymore... there's no reason for me to live, the world would be better without me...

They both looked at me with wide eyes, like they didn't believe in what I just said. We stayed up all night, and Jimin and Jungkook made sure I was okay. They told me that there IS a reason for me to live. Without me, the world wouldn't be as good as it is now...

Hi guys! This story was pretty short, sorry about that. I have a lot of new ones I'm gonna start when I'm done with all of the ongoing ones. 

See you soon!

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