Comfort | Kim Namjoon | Part 3

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~Because of the cast, my normal morning routine that normally took around thirty minutes, without makeup, took now around an hour. Everything needed to be done carefully and slowly. But after finally getting myself together, I walked out of the bathroom, grabbing the crutches I left by the door and walked back to the bedroom... ~

- Oh, there you are, I heard RM say as I entered the bedroom. He had woken up, sitting on the edge of the bed in only his boxers.

- Yeah, I just got ready for the day, I said as I approached him.

- What do you want to eat for breakfast, huh? He asked with a smile on his face. I loved it when he smiled, I could see his cute dimples.

- Hmm, I'm craving pancakes... or waffles, I can't decide, I answer.

- Pancakes vs waffles, who will win? He asked with a cute voice.

- Pancakes! With blueberries and maple syrup.

- Alright, should I help you go down the stairs?

- No, I think I'm alright...

- Jagi, I'll help.

He took my crutches, laid them down on the floor, and picked me up, walking down the stairs and carrying me into the living room. He put me down on the couch carefully and covered me with a blanket.

- I'll just go get fixed and on the way down I'll get you your crutches and we'll make pancakes. But for now, you can watch some TV or something, he said and gave me a peck before going back up the stairs.

I turned on the TV and decided to watch some Youtube. I saw a video on my recommended-page. "How much RM loves BTS". It seemed pretty funny. And it was. RM is not only an awesome leader for one of the best k-pop groups but also a really good friend and an even better boyfriend. While watching the video, RM came down to me. I was laughing at all the fun clips in the video, so he looked at the TV. When he saw that I was watching pretty much funny moments of him, he immediately ran up to me and threw himself beside me and started tickling me. I laughed even more, while he kept on tickling me. After a while, I couldn't take it anymore, my stomach hurt a lot. We took a break and RM paused the video.

- Shall we make our pancakes? He asked.

- Y-yeah, can I help you? I asked, still calming down from all the laughing.

- You can help me as much as you can, but if it's gonna hurt you have to tell me, he answered.

- Yeah yeah, I know.

He handed me my crutches and I got up slowly. I slowly walked to the kitchen, letting go of my crutches a bit and leaning on the counter. RM got out a bowl and the pancake mix. I poured the powder in the bowl, together with an egg, some oil, and water. RM mixed it and heated the frying pan. My leg started to hurt and I was tired of leaning on the counter, so I sat down on one of the chairs by the counter. 


Hello again! Another part of "Comfort", I hope you like the story so far! 

I decided to make some minor upgrades to my uploads, so I will start adding a throwback from the last chapter, and I also have a proper nickname I can use so I have "signed" the uploads lately. Thank you guys for staying with me! 

See ya! 


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