Group Project | Kim Seokjin | Part 3 (The End)

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~How could he flirt with me and get so close to then just start liking another girl? I was a bit mad at him and he might have noticed. But even though I love him, I want him to understand how much this hurts me. ~


Jin P.O.V

Y/N was sad the whole day. Even though she tried to keep a smile on her face, she couldn't. But I was just following my plan. I hope she will forgive me after this... I saw Y/N by her locker, grabbing some books and putting them into her backpack. It breaks my heart to see her in the state she was before we started talking...

Your P.O.V

I quickly packed everything I needed into my backpack and just walked out of school, not even looking at Jin. I didn't want to even look at him, he broke my heart after all. I couldn't believe he really decided to do that to me...

It was around 6 pm and I was sitting in bed, thinking about everything that happened today. I couldn't just let Jin go... But then, I got a message from him - 'Meet me at our favorite cafe, I'll be waiting.' Why did he want me to meet him? To introduce that girl and break my heart even more? But I couldn't leave him waiting for me, so I put on some clothes so I didn't look like I just got my heart broken. I wanted to show him that I'm a strong woman.

When I arrived at the cafe, I looked for him and saw him sitting by a corner table. I didn't see a girl anywhere around him though, so I started questioning what was going on.

- Where's the girl you were supposed to meet? I asked, showing that I was pissed off but not that I was heartbroken.

- I made a mistake, but I hope I can fix it... Can you please sit down? He answered. I sat down in front of him, having a bunch of questions wandering around my head.

A waitress came to our table with a plate, which was placed in front of me. There's a piece of cake and it says 'Will you be my GF?' on the plate, written in like chocolate sauce.

- But wasn't this meant to be for that girl? I asked, completely confused. At this point, I didn't understand anything.

- You're the girl, Y/N. All of this is for you. I might have done it in a dumb way, but I didn't know how to take the last step... the last step to make you mine... He answered, looking at me with his gorgeous, brown eyes.

- W-what? I-is this for me? I couldn't believe it. I felt tears starting to form in my eyes and I looked at Jin with my eyes wide open.

- Y/N, I love you. I'm glad we got to know each other better and that I was able to understand you're someone special.

He got up from his seat, standing in front of me and reaching his hand out. I put my hand in his and stood up, getting pulled into him. We embraced in a warm hug and this hug wasn't like our usual hugs. It felt... different. He broke the hug after a while, looking at my face. He pecked me on the lips and dried off my tears with his thumb.

- Jin, I love you too, I say. It felt relieving to finally say those words.

We sat back down, I ate the delicious cake and then we headed home to my apartment. The whole way home, Jin had his arm wrapped around my waist.

A week later...

The past week had been awesome. We were always together and Jin was the best at protecting me even if it wasn't needed. We were right now at his apartment and I had a craving for something sweet. Jin was already in the kitchen getting a drink, so I decided to ask him if he had any snacks.

- Jinnieeee, I want some candy~, I whined.

- But I don't have any, he said teasingly. I knew he was lying.

- You liar, I know you've got some in one of the cabinets here, I said as I walked over to a cabinet. But Jin quickly slid in front of it so I couldn't open it.

- Pwease, I want some candy, I kept whining.

- Nope, I'm not going to give you any, he said with a childish smile.

- Alright, but you're not gonna get any kisses from now on, I said. I knew he liked to kiss me every now and then.

- I can make you kiss me easily, he exclaimed as he started coming closer. I walked backward, not wanting to get too close to him. Finally, I stood in the corner of the kitchen. I was trapped.

- See, now you're trapped, Jin continued as he put one arm on either side of my head and leaned in. But I kept on moving my head away from him in different directions. He finally grabbed my chin and finally got to kiss me. Of course, his kisses always made me melt a little inside and this kiss wasn't different.

- Can I get some candy now that you got your kiss? I asked after we broke the kiss.

- Yeah, you deserve it. Sorry for being mean to you, he said as he instantly regretted what he did.

- Oh, don't be sorry. I knew you were just joking.

I hugged him tightly and he reached for a bar of chocolate, breaking off a couple of pieces and feeding them to me.

Our lives continued on and we were really happy together. We explored the world together. He went on a vacation in South Korea and he showed me around. But we also spent a lot of time at home with each other, watching a good movie. Everything was better with Jin. My Jinnie.

The End


This is the final chapter of this story! Hope you enjoyed this story, as well as all my other stories! I've enjoyed writing them, and I've loved seeing the number of people that read my book! Love ya guys and see ya!

~ MoonChild

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