Studying | RM | Part 1

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I was in the library with my boyfriend, RM, because I was studying for the upcoming exams and also doing all my homework. RM didn't really want to study, he just wanted to spend some time with you, but you tried to get him to study at least a little bit.

- Y/N~ He said.

- What is it? I ask him, still studying.

- Do we really have to study? It's so boring... We could go out to eat something instead... He was whining so much.

- Well, I want to get a good grade on this exam. And you should study as well, I said while looking up, straight into his puppy-like eyes.

- But I'm so tired of it. And it's too difficult, I don't understand anything.

- Probably because you always skip class.

- But Y/N~ Can I at least hold your hand?

- How am I supposed to study then?

- You can still write, just hold my hand. Please~~

- No.

- Why do you have to be so mean?

I was trying so hard to concentrate but RM kept on whining about holding my hand and stuff. I gave up and held his hand under the table. When I looked at him, he was so happy about it. He was just a happy little baby.

- Can I get one more thing? He asked me. Why was he so needy out of a sudden?

- What else? I asked in an annoyed tone while going back to doing my homework.

- Can I get a kiss? Please~~ He said while looking really cute.

- No, not until you start studying, I simply said. He was such a pouty baby.

- Why? I just want a kiss! He exclaimed.

- But you keep interrupting me, while I'm just trying to study, I coldly say.

- Oh god, why do you have to be so annoying, I hear him say. 

I was starting to give up, and when I saw in the corner of my eye that he was about to say something, I quickly turned my head around and kissed him. Well, I wanted to just give him a kiss, but it turned into a little make-out session. After a while, I felt the need to get some air, so I broke the kiss.

- What the heck was that? I just wanted a kiss... RM said while blushing.

- So you didn't like it?

- I did, I did... 

Hi guys! Hope you will enjoy this new story. It will probably be kind of short, but I have about 6 other stories that are on-going, so I'm working on it! See ya!

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