The Dream | Park Jimin | Part 7 (The End)

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< from ChimChim >

Hey Babe! I hope you're ready for your surprise! I'll be at your house in about 10 minutes! Love you!

I quickly went to the bathroom, to check if I look alright. I wore a tight, short, black dress and black heels. I had my hair out, straight. And some light make-up. I snapped back to reality when I heard a knock on the door. I quickly went and opened the door, where I saw Jimin, dressed nicely. He looked so handsome!

- You look so sexy in that dress, babe, Jimin said.

- Thank you, I said while blushing.

- You're so cute. Are you ready to go, princess? he asked.

- Yes, I answered.

I grabbed my bag and went with Jimin to the driveway. There, stood a big, black limousine with tinted windows.

- Is this for us? I asked shocked.

- Of course! Jimin answered happily.

- OMG Thank you so much! I said and hugged him tightly.

- Anything for the love of my life... he said.

We went up to the limousine, and Jimin opened the door for me. I went inside and sat down, followed by Jimin, who was sitting beside me while wrapping his arm around me securely.

- I love you so much, Y/N, he said while pecking me on the cheek.

- I love you too, Jimin, I answered while hugging him. I felt so safe in his embrace. I felt so lucky to have him.

*time skip*

We arrived at a very beautiful and popular restaurant. We went inside and asked for a table for the two of us.

- Wow, this is an amazing place! How did you find this place? I asked in disbelief.

- I remember going here with my parents and when I got older I thought that it would be the perfect place to go on a date.

- Really? That's amazing!

*time skip*

After dinner, we went home again. My life has never been so good. I'm always happy and I'm never alone. I hope it will continue this way.

Sadly, this is the end of this story :( But I've got a new one coming up! (Decided to post two today, like why not?)

Hope you liked "The Dream", and make sure to look for the new story when it comes out! See ya!

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