Coming Over | TaeJin | Part 4 (The End)

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- You f*cking or what? He asked, laughing while looking at us, cuddling in bed.

- Shut up! Y/c/n yelled back and tried throwing his slipper at y/f/n.

- Hey, y/n, what's that on your neck? Y/f/n asked me, pointing at my neck.

- W-what do you mean? I said confused, quickly getting up and going to the bathroom.

I looked in the mirror and I saw it. It was a hickey. When did I get a hickey? I don't remember anything from last night that had to do with someone kissing and biting me on the neck.

- Y/c/n!! What the hell did you do to me?! I yelled from the bathroom, looking at him with wide-open eyes.

- Calm down, it's just a hickey. Nothing else. You smelled so good and I couldn't wait for you to wake up soo...He answered.

- And you probably f*cked me as well, right? I said as I started crying. Did he really do that? I thought I could trust him.

- No! I would never do that! Please, baby, trust me... He answered as he got out of bed and walked up to me, hugging me.

- Do you promise? I asked, wanting to be a hundred percent sure.

- I promise. I love you.

I calmed down. After thinking a bit, I knew that he wouldn't be able to do something like that. Even though he is like a totally different person when he is drunk, but that's when he is drunk. It's a completely different thing. Some people might think I'm stupid by dating a guy that drinks and smokes. But I think he just needs someone to make him stop drinking. I don't care about vaping, I do it myself. If he won't change for me, then I might consider breaking up. But I know he will do pretty much everything for me.

The rest of the day we just hung out, my two best friends came back to check upon us. Y/c/n and I decided to not tell them anything yet. It would stay between me and the guys for now until we feel ready to explain the whole thing. But, while we hung out, I helped y/c/n to clean up a bit and after a couple of hours, I went back home. It had been an awesome weekend, even though I'm anxious about certain things. And the worst thing is, I can't tell mom or dad. If mom found out I had been drinking alcohol and vaped, she would literally kill me. I was still anxious about drinking alcohol though. It was a bad idea, but that's the past now. I have learned to not trust the guys if they give me a drink. Better get something to drink by myself. But being able to confess my feelings towards y/c/n in such a chill way, was really nice. I didn't need to worry about making fun of myself or anything.

Just don't drink if you're too young :)

The End.

Hi guys! I'm back again (I feel like I say that every single time I post). I've started high school so I don't know how it's going to go with posting and everything, but I'll try my best. I'm writing a really long story right now, but I'm not sure if I want to post it. It isn't with BTS, so I might have to make a new 'book'. But we'll see, maybe not this year. I was thinking of publishing it either on my birthday or for New Year. But anyway, see ya!

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