The Pool Party | Jeon Jungkook | Part 9

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She untied the bow and lifted the lid. There it was, her dream dress. She took it out, handling it like it was made of glass. It was a beautiful, wine - red dress, with a slit on the side. Y/N looked at me, then at the dress and at me again. She was in shock.

- When did you get this? And how did you... Was that why you asked me to show you my dream dress? She asked, very confused.

- Yeah, that's why I asked you. And I bought it yesterday. I just woke up this morning and got the rest of this stuff done. All for you. Now go and try it on, I want to see it on you again.

She went to the bathroom and when she came back, she looked stunning. The dress fit her perfectly. It showed all of her perfect curves and her beautiful legs.

- You look like... wow... I don't even know enough words to tell you how gorgeous you look.

- Thank you, Kookie. I love it. And it will be perfect for dinner night. What time are we going?

- Well, I think around seven or eight tonight.

- Thank you so much, again. I didn't think you would actually care that it's my birthday...

- Of course, I would. I love you, that's why.

I kissed her on the forehead, and then we just stayed in the kitchen and talked about different stuff.

*time skip*


It was about half-past six, and I decided to go and fix my hair, make-up and put on the dress. Jungkook was in the bathroom already, fixing his hair and as I walked in, I could smell his cologne. He smells so good. He had parted his beautiful dark-brown hair, and he had his white shirt, dress pants, and a dress coat. He looked so handsome! But then I came back from admiring Jungkook and started to straighten my hair a bit and then I started applying makeup to my face.

I was done just before we had to go. I went downstairs and saw that Jungkook was already ready to go. I quickly put on my heels, grabbed my bag and Jungkook opened the door for me. We got into his car, and he started driving us to the location...

*time skip*

We arrived at the restaurant after a good 15 minutes. I saw the cars of the other BTS-members. We got out of our car and went inside. The rest of the boys were waiting for us inside already.

- Hey Y/N! Long time no see! Jimin exclaimed as he hugged me.

- We missed you so much! Well not Jungkook, but the rest of us! Taehyung said, being very happy to see me after such a long time.

I hugged the rest of them, and then the waiter showed us our table. I sat between Jungkook and Namjoon. We all started talking about all the things that had happened since we met last time and after a while, Namjoon stood up and said:

- So, Y/N. We wanted you to come here with us because this is actually a dinner night dedicated to you. It's your 20th birthday, and we want you to spend the best time of your life with us tonight. I hope you'll have an awesome night, we love you all, obviously Jungkookie loves you the most, but still. Let's have fun tonight!

Hi guys! I'm in a good mood right now and want to upload a lot, but I know I have to stop myself from posting like every day because I won't have enough content haha :) But I hope you'll like this chapter, sadly this story is slowly coming to an end :( See ya!

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