The Pool Party | Jeon Jungkook | Part 6

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- Well, we were just about to tell you... I started. I looked at Jungkook like 'help me and say the rest'.

- We are a couple now! He continued.

- Really? Since when? My friends asked in unison.

- Since like... 4 or 5 hours? I said, with a questioning look.

- It's hard to say, but that's not the important thing here. Right? Jungkook looked at my friends.

- The important thing is that you two are together! Finally! My friend said.

When the rest of the people at the party left, me, my friends and Jungkook started to clean up a bit. I got dizzy from out of nowhere. I tried to keep my balance by holding on to the kitchen table, but Jungkook noticed something was off.

- Jagi, are you okay? He asked concerned.

- Yeah, I just feel really weird and diz- I didn't even finish my sentence. I fell to the floor unconscious.

Jungkook P.O.V

Y/N fell to the floor. I immediately sat down beside her and checked her pulse. She was still alive and breathing. She must have lost her conscience. I lifted her up bridal style, and walked up the stairs, to her room. I laid her carefully on her bed and told her friends to call a doctor to come to Y/N's house to check on her. They called a doctor quickly and after a few minutes, he arrived.

- So, everything seems ok. Miss Y/L/N just needs to rest for a couple of minutes. But keep an eye on her, the doctor said after checking up on Y/N.

- But what was the reason for her to just fall unconscious? I asked the doctor, very concerned over Y/N.

- Well, it may have been out of tiredness, and a lot of mixed emotions. But nothing harmful. Just keep her some company, that's it, the doctor answered.

- Ok, thank you, doctor.

- No problem, have a peaceful night.

- You too.

I asked Y/N's friends if they wanted to stay with Y/N while I continue cleaning up the house, but they said that it would be better if I stayed with her and when they would be done, they would just go home. I could stay with Y/N. So they went down and continued cleaning, and I took off my shirt and my jeans and layed in bed with Y/N while covering us both with the covers. I decided that I would wait until she wakes up, but I fell asleep pretty quickly. I just heard her friends walk out of the house. 

Hi guys! Double upload this week! Hope you appreciate it and that you like this new part of the story! See ya!

Btw, thank you so much for voting on the parts and overall just reading my stories, it means a lot to me!

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