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Hi guys!

So, I had this idea and I've been thinking about it for a couple of months now. This year I got a Netflix account and decided to watch Teen Wolf, even though it's kind of old (the last episode was posted in 2017). While I watched it, I started writing a new story which was a mix of my past, what I thought my future would look like and some things from Teen Wolf, for example, character names and myths.  

On the 15th of December, I'm going to publish a new book. Since I only write imagines, it's going to be "Teen Wolf Imagines". If any of you are a fan of Teen Wolf or know someone who likes to read imagines, about Teen Wolf, please recommend my book to them. I might be a beginner writer, but I want to expand and hopefully, I'm going to slowly come back to writing again, since I haven't done that for a couple of months now. 

Thank you so much, and I hope I'm not disappointing anyone :)

See ya!

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