The Dream | Park Jimin | Part 3

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And right then, I woke up because of my alarm on my phone going off. For a second, I actually thought that he asked me out, but then I realized that it was only a dream. I got so sad! I just wished that it was true, but of course, it wasn't. So, I got out of bed and went to fix my hair, eat some breakfast and put on some clothes. Then I packed my stuff and started walking to the bus stop.

*time skip*

I arrived at school, and met up with my friends and started talking about my dream, and how it would never become reality. I was bummed the whole day, and a lot of people noticed. On our lunch break, I went with one of my best friends, and she sat down on a couch while I laid my head on her lap.

- Hey, I noticed something. I haven't seen Jimin since Monday, where has he been? My friend asked me.

- Well, from what I have heard is he in Korea right now, on vacation. Probably visiting his hometown and his younger brother, I answered still bummed that I couldn't even see him at school.

- Oh, what a bummer for you, she said.

- Yeah, I know.

I closed my eyes for a while and started thinking of the dream again. Then I heard a very familiar voice...

- Hey! How's it going? I heard a male's voice but was too lazy to actually lift my hood up to see who it is.

- Oh, hi! I thought you were on vacation! I'm fine, thank you, my friend answered the male.

- What about Y/N? he asked.

- Well, she's not doing as good as me. She's having a really bad day.

- I think I know something that will make her happy, was the last thing the male said, before going in front of where I was looking, lifting my hood, and looking at me.

- Hello there! He said. It was Jimin!!

Hi guys! Sorry for not updating, but school is being a bi*ch as always. I might stop posting every Friday and just start uploading whenever I feel like it, but at least once a week. 

Hope you like it!

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