Comfort | Kim Namjoon | Part 2

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- I was walking here and I saw two guys approach me. I couldn't do much... I said, getting teary.

- Ugh, I should have picked you up... He looked down, disappointed about himself.

- But it's not your fault, don't blame yourself. I'm okay now, thanks to you.

- Next time we'll meet at your house.

- Or I'll just go before it gets too dark.

- Yeah...

- Can I get a kiss now, for comfort?

When I said that, he looked up at me again with a smile and pecked my lips. He then got up from the floor, lifted my upper body and sat down on the couch so I could lay in his lap. I was pretty tired after everything that happened and fell asleep pretty quickly. RM thought about only one thing - How could I let something like this happen to my princess...

*time skip*

I woke up, in the middle of the night. I had a horrible nightmare. Everything that happened to on the street, played up in the nightmare. I tried sitting up, but my stomach started to hurt. I noticed though that I was in RM's room, so he must have carried me to bed after that I fell asleep. He woke up and sat up.

- Babe, what is it? He asked.

- I dreamed about what happened yesterday and then my stomach started hurting.

- My baby, I can promise you one thing. Nothing like that will ever happen to you. I'll protect you at all times.

- Naw, why are you always so kind~ I said.

- Because I love you, he answered.

He wrapped his arm around me and pecked my forehead, before going back to sleep.

*time skip*

It was finally morning. After a quite painful night, we both woke up. I tried getting out of bed by myself, but it was hard. I couldn't stand on my right leg at all, it immediately hurt my knee. My stomach still hurt a bit. Luckily, RM had a pair of crutches in his wardrobe. I used them to go down the stairs and walk overall. But I still spent most of the day on the couch, cuddling with RM. He was always good at comforting me when I was sad or stressed and it helped this time. We decided to go to the hospital and check all the bruises and especially the places that hurt the most. To be honest, it was mostly RM's idea. He was really worried about my health.

*time skip*

When we arrived at the hospital, we went and asked the nurses in the reception if there was a possibility to get me checked out, maybe get an X-ray. One doctor was free, so I walked in with RM and with the help of the crutches. The doctor checked my stomach and got an X-ray of my leg. My leg wasn't broken but cracked. I would have to have a cast, but not as long as if my leg would've been broken. Some nurses took care of me and put on the cast. After the visit, I got prescripted some painkillers, in case my leg or stomach would hurt a lot. We needed to come back and get checked up in two weeks. On our way home from the hospital, RM was very worried and asked me if I was OK the whole time. He was really worried about me. Me being in a cast would make some things hard to do like I didn't even know how I would shower. But RM reassured me that he would be there for me to help me with anything. He would now take care of me like a baby.

*time skip, next day*

When I woke up in the morning, I could feel how puffy my eyes were. I didn't sleep too well. It was really hard to sleep comfortably with the cast on my leg. I wasn't able to turn around easily. But I still needed to get up and start my day. RM was still sleeping (I needed to stay at his place for the time I had the cast), so I decided to quietly go to the bathroom and change into some clothes. I slowly got into the bathroom, taking off my pajamas and getting into the shower. I had to put a bag on the cast or wrap in plastic every time I showered, so I wrapped it up and quickly showered. I put on some grey sweatpants and a black hoodie, that I had stolen from RM's closet on the way to the bathroom. Because of the cast, my normal morning routine that normally took around thirty minutes, without makeup, took now around an hour. Everything needed to be done carefully and slowly. But after finally getting myself together, I walked out of the bathroom, grabbing the crutches I left by the door and walked back to the bedroom. 

A/N: Hey guys! I hope you're all doing well! I was considering posting more frequently for a while since I stay at home all day long and I don't have many other things to do. Hope you like this chapter!

Also, thank you so much for 3,9k+ reads! I'm really thankful for all reads (and votes of course). I never thought my stories would be so popular. Thank you! See ya soon! <3

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