Vampire Lovers | Min Yoongi | Part 5

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*time skip*

Next morning, Saturday

Yoongi P.O.V

I woke up and saw Y/N's cute face. She looked so adorable when she was sleeping. She didn't look as pale, and that's good. I decided to go to the kitchen and her breakfast and bring it to my bed. So I made her some sandwiches and poured some juice in a cup. I walked back to my room, and Y/N was still asleep.

- Baby ~, wake up~

She didn't wake up from that, so I decided to kiss her. I leaned over her and kissed her on the cheek and on her forehead, then on the lips. I felt that she woke up because she cupped my face with her hands and kissed me back. I broke the kiss and looked at her.

- Good morning, beautiful~ I said.

- Good morning, Yoongi, she answered in her cute, sleepy voice.

- I made you some breakfast in bed, hope you like it.

- Aww, thank you so much. But you didn't-

- I had to, I have to take care of my baby girl~ I pecked her on the lips.

- Love you, she said while doing cute aegyo.

- I love you too. Now eat, you must be hungry. How are you feeling by the way?

- I'm good. I don't feel so weak and dizzy as I did yesterday after you bit me.

- That's good.

I turned on the TV, and we watched some while Y/N was eating. When she was done, we both went to the bathroom and fixed us a bit. Y/N packed her things, and I grabbed my car keys and we jumped in my car. I drove her home, but when she was about to get out of the car, I grabbed her arm and said:

- One more kiss!

- Okay, but on the cheek! She said, trying to act seriously.

- Fine, I simply answered.

But as she was about to kiss me on the cheek, I quickly turned my head so she kissed me on the lips, and I gave her a passionate kiss. It felt so nice and sweet. We broke the kiss and said our goodbyes while waving. After that, I drove home.


When I came home, I decided to take a nice, long shower. After that, I ate some lunch, and just watched TV until it was getting late and I went to bed.

*time skip*

Monday morning

It was Monday, and we had music in the morning. We are learning the song "Dancing in the Moonlight" on piano, guitar or drums. I chose the piano because I'm better at that than the guitar. Fortunately, Yoongi chose the piano as well, but he is so much better than me. He's like the master at playing the piano. Today I decided to ask him to help me a bit because I'm having some trouble with it.

- Suga, can you help me with the song? I can't get it right... I asked him while doing a cute face.

- Of course, babe. You can play on this side, and I will play on this side, he said.

So he started playing, slowly. After a while, I got the hang of it. Then he moved back to his keyboard, and we played together, at the same time. We got the whole bit down!

- Thank you, baby! I said while hugging him.

- No problem, he said and kissed me on the forehead. I started blushing.

- Naw, you're so cute! Y/N is blushing! Suga said loudly.

- N-no, I'm not b-blushing... Stop... I said, being embarrassed and trying to cover my face with my hands.

- Don't be embarrassed, it's cute when you blush.

- Anyways, let's continue on the song...

Then our teacher informed us, that she will grade how we play the song. I got a bit nervous because I still felt I needed a lot of practice to get it.

- If you want to practice more, we can hang out after school, and we can practice on my keyboard? Yoongi said while holding my hand.

- That's a good idea! Will you help me then? I asked, trying to act cute.

- Of course, baby, Yoongi answered, showing me his adorable gummy smile. 

I'm back again! I'm trying to update a bit more now that I will have a week free from school, so I will have a lot of free time! Hope you guys like this chapter! See ya!

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