Short Scenarios #2

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Here are the two other little stories I wrote, hope you enjoy them


You and your boyfriend, Taehyung, are BIG Marvel fans, especially when it comes to Spiderman. You have binge-watched all Spiderman-movies, played by different actors. Your favorite actor had to be Tom Holland because he is so talented, so flexible and just overall awesome.

It was your 10th month with Taehyung and he had a small surprise prepared.

- Hey, Y/N, could you help me with one thing? He asked from upstairs.

- Sure, I'm coming! I answered.

I went upstairs and started looking for Tae.

- Tae, where are you? I exclaimed as I was about to walk into our bedroom.

- Here! He said loudly as he pretty much swung down in front of me, hanging upside-down.

- What are you doing? You're going to hurt yourself! I blurted out in both confusion and concern.

- Do you know that classic Spiderman-kiss?

- Yeah?

- I wanted to try it out with you...

- Oh, my little Spidey-boy...

I got closer to him, leaning in immediately. At first, it was kind of weird since Taehyung was upside-down, but I soon forgot about it when we got into it. When we broke the kiss, I looked at Tae and started laughing. His face was all red like a tomato and his veins started popping out. He carefully got down and tried to stand up, but he was too dizzy and sat down on the floor.

- Are you okay? I asked as I tried to catch my breath after laughing so hard.

- Yeah, I think I'm fine... He answered, slowly standing up.

He walked over to me, snaking his arms around my waist and pulling my body up against his. He pecked my lips and then suddenly lifted me off the floor and put me on his shoulder.

- Put me down, babe, please! I yelled, squirming around.

- Stay still or I'm gonna drop you and you're gonna get hurt, Taehyung said.

I just gave up and let him do whatever he was going to do. He walked into our bedroom, laying me down on the bed. He then hovered over me, smiling as he looked at my face.

- What's so funny? I asked, being slightly mad.

- You just look so cute when you're mad, Tae said as he pecked my lips, knowing that's my dynamite.

I tried my best to hold back my laughter, but Tae kept on kissing my lips, pecking my cheeks and my forehead and did everything to get me to laugh. After a while, I gave up and started giggling as I started kissing him now. He kissed me from my ear to my neck, leaving butterfly kisses and hickeys as I tangled my hands in his soft hair. 


You were getting ready in the bathroom, trying to look as good as possible - your crush, Jin, had asked you if you wanted to go with him to the local festival. You had been thinking back and forth, not knowing if you should go or not. Your friends were telling you to go with him, so you accepted the invitation. Your anxiety was killing you though - what if he doesn't come? What if you'll embarrass yourself? You tried your best to calm down and forget about those thoughts and instead, actually decide what to wear. That was the only thing left. Jin was going to pick you up in about 45 minutes.

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