Studying | RM | Part 2

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- I can't concentrate on this anymore, I want to go home.

- Yes! Finally! We can cuddle when we get home! Right? RM said while being like a very excited baby.

- Yes, I really need some cuddles right now. I just want to relax, and be able to forget all my responsibilities.

I started packing all my books into my backpack, I grabbed my phone and went to RM. We intertwined our hands as we were walking out of the library. I was about to start walking home because we live pretty close. But then...

- Babe, what are you doing? RM asked.

- Well, as you maybe can see I'm walking home? What am I supposed to do? I asked him, a bit confused.

- You're too tired to walk all the way home. Get into my car, he said.

- But, I can walk-

- No, he interrupted. I don't want you to fall together in the middle of the road out of tiredness. We'll just go in my car and we will be home quicker.

- Fine, I said as I was getting into the passenger seat of his nice car. It felt so nice to sit down on the soft car seat.

RM got in, started the car and turned on the heat. It was so cozy already. I felt how my eyelids were so heavy and after a while, I fell asleep...

*time skip*

It was cold. Quiet. No movement. It was so weird. I woke up and noticed that I was laying on my living room couch. I had my school uniform still on me from the library. I didn't have time to go home after school, so I went straight to the library. And because I fell asleep in the car, RM had to have carried me into my house. I was about to get up and go look after him, but right then he came from the hallway. When he saw that I was awake, he immediately came up to me and layed beside me. On the way, he had grabbed a blanket.

- Did you sleep well? He asked, looking at my still sleepy face.

- Yeah, I think so... I answered. It felt like I almost couldn't really form real sentences, I was still so sleepy. And my voice was raspy.

- I didn't want to wake you up, so I went to my house to change and pack some stuff, he says as he smiles.

- Ok. But, wait. Why would you need to pack some stuff? Are you going somewhere? I asked him, pretty confused. He laughed a little and said:

- No. Well, technically, I am. I wanted to sleep over at your house tonight. I just want to spend a lot of time with you lately. Also, I know you might be stressed out because of school and your workouts and other stuff, so I just wanted to comfort you a little and make sure to remember to relax a bit.

- Naw, that's so kind of you! Oh, and thank you for reminding me that I still have to work out. And I also need to do some gymnastics.

Hi guys! Another part out, hope you like it! See ya!

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