My Hero | Jung Hoseok | Part 4 (The End)

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I screamed in agony and felt how my leg went completely numb. The pain was something I had never felt before, it was so bad. I started crying and fell to the floor. When my friends heard my scream, they turned around, scared for their life. I heard someone running and in just a second I saw Hoseok beside me. He lifted me up bridal style and carried me up a staircase that went to a little room. He laid me down on a bed and started taking off my knee support.

- W-wait, don't take it off, I said while sobbing.

- I'm just going to check your knee, I know a bit about this stuff.

- B-but please be c-careful.

He pulled up my pant-leg and checked my knee.

- I'm not sure, but it seems like it is out of place plus it's now badly bruised from that stupid football. You should probably just go to your doctor again and get it checked out better.

- T-thank you, I mumbled.

- Why are you thanking me? I didn't really do anything...

- You helped me. That's what important...

- You know what, now that I have a chance to talk to you alone... I'm not going to wait with this...

- What is it?

- Will you be my girlfriend?

That question was shocking, it came out of nowhere. Did he know I liked him? Or did he just feel the same towards me?

- Wait, did you just ask me out? I asked him in disbelief.

- Yes, I did. So, what's your answer? He asked.

- Y-yes, I say as I blush in embarrassment.

He leaned over me and gave me a quick peck on the lips. We both smiled at each other and I started blushing even more and tried to cover my face with my hands.

- Don't cover your face, you look cute when you blush, Hoseok said as he moved my hands from my face.

He got up again, put my knee support back on and helped me get up and let me see if I can walk by myself. I tried, but it hurt really bad. He asked me if I wanted his help, but I was too stubborn and said that I'm fine and that I can walk myself. After a couple more steps I had to take a break because it hurt too much. I wouldn't be able to go down the stairs, that's for sure.

- Aish, you're so stubborn, Hoseok exclaimed and lifted me up so I was laying over his shoulder.

*time skip*

I was finally home after the first day of school. After the P.E lesson, Hoseok helped me a lot and took care of me. He even gave me a ride home. My friends saw me in his car and started fangirling over us. He told me he would pick me up tomorrow morning and then he gave me a last kiss before he drove away. For me, he is more than a friend, more than a boyfriend. He is my hero...

The End

Hi guys! Hope you liked the story, sadly it has come to an end. It was one of my shorters ones, so I had to choose between making more chapters but they would be shorter or having fewer chapters and making them longer. I thought it would be boring if they would be short, so that's how this turned out. Anyways, hope you like it and see ya!

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