The Pool Party | Jeon Jungkook | Part 5

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- ... make out with Jungkook for a minute, she said with a smirk on her face.

It was the question I was a bit afraid of. I mean, we are in a relationship so it's not something weird. But still! We have only been together for like a couple of hours!

- Umm... Okay, I guess... I just answered, doing what Jungkook told me to do in this situation. I looked at him as he was sitting on one of the couches. I stood up from my spot on the floor, and as I was approaching him, my friend added:

- And you have to sit in his lap! I froze for a while, but then started walking towards Jungkook again.

I sat down on his lap and slowly started to lean in. I started with a little kiss, then it went deeper and deeper. I started messing with his hair, and it felt like I got hypnotized, almost. I came back to reality when I heard my friend yelling 'Okay that's enough! It has been a minute already!' Then we stopped and I started blushing, as usual. But I got off of his lap and was about to go back to my spot where I was sitting when I felt something pull on my arm. I turned around and looked at Jungkook.

- Don't sit there on the cold floor, sit here. Beside me, he said.

I thought that was so cute and I was a hundred percent sure that my friends were fangirling hardcore. And I was right. Just when I looked at them, they were like 'OMG!!'. I just chuckled at them.

*time skip*

It was an hour before the party would end, and there was already a few people that were leaving, one after the other. It was pretty much just my class left and my best friends. I went outside to get some fresh air, so I just sat down on a blanket on the ground and looked up into the beautiful sky. It was kind of cold, and I didn't have a jacket or anything to put on nearby, so I started rubbing my arms to try and warm up a bit. Suddenly I felt something on my shoulders, something warm...

- What's this? I said to myself.

- I saw that you were out here and that you were cold, so I couldn't just leave you there, someone said out of nowhere. I looked up, and it was-

- Jungkook! Why are you still here? I asked. I thought he went home already.

- What do you mean? I thought you wanted me here... He said, pouting.

- I didn't mean it that way! I just thought that you might be tired and go home before the end of the party.

- But I wanted to stay with you, babe...

- Naw, thanks.

- When are you thinking of telling them?

- About our relationship? Well, we could do it now...

- If you're ready, I'm ready!

- Ok, let's do this!

So Jungkook quickly got up and reached out his hand. I grabbed it and he helped me up. Isn't that just so cute? Anyways. He wrapped his arm around my waist again, and we went to my friends.

- What's all this about? Is there something we don't know? One of my friends asked.

It got a bit heated there in the beginning... But anyways, hi guys! Another part of 'The Pool Party' out! Hope you liked it! See ya! 

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