Coming Over | TaeJin | Part 1

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This story is an imagine, like the rest of my stories. That means that this isn't reality. I'm not assuming that any BTS member would do this and neither would I. This story might be inspired by something that I have witnessed, but only a couple bits of the story might be that. Not everything in this story is true!

It was a normal Thursday afternoon, me sitting in my room texting with a couple of my friends, planning a secret party. Why secret? Because my parents didn't know every single detail about the party. And I would never tell them. It was going to be two of my best friends, Taehyung, Seokjin and me, of course. But I would tell mom that I'm only going to one of my best friends house because she didn't like my guy friends. Maybe because she knew they drink alcohol and vape. But I didn't really care, I really liked hanging out with them. Especially one of them, I had a crush on him. His name is Taehyung and he is just so cute. He is tall (which I love) and he has a really sweet and caring heart. Anyways, we continued texting a bit about the party and I told mom that I would sleep over at my best friends house and she said it was ok. So right after school, instead of going home with y/bf/n (your best friend's name) I would go home with Taehyung.

*time skip*

It was now Friday, at 15:10. The end of school. I quickly went to my locker, packed my things and grabbed my backpack, trying to see where my friends were. I saw them standing by one of the sofas in the hallway. I walked up to them, very excited for the party. We talked for a minute, then we went to the back of the school where we had our scooters, and went to Taehyung's home.

*another time skip XD*

It was around 8 pm, and the party was starting to get together. The guys had obviously taken out some vodka and coke to be able to make drinks, while we girls just sat down on a couch and talked. When the guys sat down with us, they dimmed the lights a bit, turned on some music and asked us, girls, what we wanted to drink. My friends said they only wanted some coke, but when I was about to say that I also just want some coke, Taehyung poured up a bit of vodka into a glass and filled the rest with an energy drink. "This will get you to warm up a bit", he said. I did feel a bit out of place and apparently, he noticed. I said I didn't want any alcohol, but he said I should at least try. I wanted to grab his vape (I had tried vaping before), but he said:

- You have to drink the full glass down the hatch if you want to get the vape!

- But I can't drink the whole thing! I exclaimed.

Everyone started cheering on me, so I grabbed the glass and started drinking. After about half, I had to take a break and breathe, then continued with the rest. When I was done, I lifted up the glass in the air, showing everyone I was done. The guys gave me a high five and Taehyung handed me the vape. I felt like I would either burp or throw up, but it luckily ended with a burp. I took a hit from the vape and felt how my whole body started to get more relaxed...

After just 20 minutes, Jin was so drunk, he couldn't even get up and stand straight, so he remained on the floor. Taehyung was a bit drunk, but not as much. My best friends had to go home, so they left me alone with the guys. I had drunk one more glass of vodka with coke, then I got a mental breakdown. I saw how Jin was laying on the floor, completely drunk and Taehyung was about to drink another drink. Out of nowhere, I felt this enormous, anxious, feeling. It felt like everything was my fault, and I felt tears starting to form in my eyes. I wasn't able to control my feelings anymore, the tears just kept on coming, rolling down my cheeks. Jin said that he needed to go to the toilet, so Taehyung picked him up and helped him into the bathroom. I curled up into a ball, sitting there on the couch, completely destroyed. Taehyung came back and saw me crying. He wasn't as drunk as I thought he would get after the amount of alcohol, but he wasn't sober either. 

Hi guys! I hope you understood what I meant with the disclaimer in the beginning and that you'll like this story! I posted a chapter of a new story not so long ago, "Smoker's Staircase". But I decided to not use that as a story. I'm going to combine it with another story I'm planning to make it longer and more interesting! See ya!

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