Me and Jungkook | Jeon Jungkook | Part 4

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I started looking around the room, but suddenly I heard a weird sound behind me, so I turned around. And then, I saw Jungkook walking into the room singing 'happy birthday' and holding a cake and a bouquet of roses in his hands. I started to cry out of happiness because I thought the whole time that he wouldn't be here. He put down the cake on the bedside table, came towards me, handed me the flowers and hugged me tightly. I just kept crying. I didn't believe what just happened.

Jungkook broke the hug and looked at me. He dried my tears off, and whispered "Happy Birthday, Babygirl", and pecked me on the lips. He went and got the cake again, and said: "Make a wish!". So I thought of a wish and blew out the candles. Then he said:

- I have something else for you, princess... says Jungkook.

- W-wait, what? Do you have something else for me? I asked him, with a questioning look on my face.

- Yep... this! he says as he hands me a basket filled with colorful envelopes.

I looked at him, then back into the basket. The first envelope said, "Open when... you get this basket". So I put the basket on the bed, took out the envelope, and opened the envelope. Inside I found a folded piece of paper. I unfolded it and started reading.

"Hi babe

Happy Birthday! I hope you liked my surprise. I know, I kind of lied to you yesterday by saying that I'm going to work, and pretending like I forgot your birthday... but it was all part of the plan. I didn't make you mad, right?

But I have some good news...

I will stay home the whole week! I'm free from work! We can cuddle, watch movies and do fun stuff all week. We can go out and meet some friends, or just the two of us, on a little date. I'll pay (:

Once again, happy birthday! I hope I will get a hug from you because of this...

Jeon Jungkook <3"

A bit short chapter of 'Me and Jungkook', but that's because it's sadly coming to an end. Next chapter, will be the last. But I have a lot of new stories, so don't worry. I'm always working on some kind of story. See ya soon!

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