Chapter 60 - Sydney, Australia

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*current time of story. nov 2015*
A/N - all drafts from here on and in the story are not meant to accurately recount or depict the real life drafts. This is a story and the players ages and draft years and times will be inaccurate for the point of the story. Once again, this book is not meant to be read as an actual account of real life events or people. It is fiction. No malice is intended at those names involved.

Adeline -

'It's been far too long' Ashleigh says, as she stands next to me, finishing the last touches of her makeup. God knows why she needs it. Her boyfriend is out there now, so I don't think she'll be on screen. Then again, why am I also getting my makeup done?

'We are running so late' I mumble, as I quickly reapply my lipstick nervously.

'It's fine. We have time, Adeline. Otherwise I would've said do your makeup in the Uber, not here in the bathrooms of the Sydney Airport' Ashleigh says, rolling her eyes.

'So. Talk me through the all black clothing, Morticia? It's the night of the draft, not the brownlow' I say.

'You're wearing a tight dress, with a red blazer, and you think I'm the problem?' Ashleigh asks, pretending to be hurt when she's just trying not to laugh.

'It's just a little something to tie Essendon over. They're really keen and apparently, there's a good chance they'll take him on' I say.

'I'm honestly so surprised he managed to clean himself up in time for the scouts, and now he has a shot. Everyone thought he'd blown it. Especially Zaine' Ashleigh says.

'I wish he had of done it for the kids, and not just for stupid football' I say.

'Are they going tonight?' Ashleigh asks.

'Yeah. We made an arrangement to get them in. Charlie's barely spent any time with them lately. Especially know what' I say, as I lean against the sink, feeling a little overwhelmed.

'Yeah, I do. I do know what' Ashleigh says downheartedly.

We stay silent for 2 minutes, before I speak again.

'I never told you how the procedure went, did I?' I ask. She shakes her head.

'No. I mean, I know you were in hospital and had to go under and have surgery, but I don't know the actual details' Ashleigh says quietly, as she pulls her phone out and checks her text messages.

'We'd better hurry up if we want to make the draft. Ed's there now' Ashleigh says, as she replies to her boyfriend's texts.

'I wish I hadn't of gone in that stupid car' I say, as I suddenly start tearing up. Ashleigh locks her phone and immediately puts her arms around me.

'Hey, it's alright. It's okay. It's in the past. You don't need to be thinking about it anymore' She says, as she hugs me tight.

'I hate Jayden for convincing me to do it. I mean, drag racing? Hello! I'm terrified of anything that speeds' I say, breaking away from the hug as I lean against the sink again.

'Yeah, well, that's Jayden. And he's an idiot' Ashleigh says, rolling her eyes.

'What was he thinking? What was I thinking? I was pregnant, Ashleigh! Not only that, but I'm a mother of two young children! What if the accident had of been worse? What if I'd have died?' I ask, crying as the trauma floods it's way back. I've been holding this all in for so long. I knew as soon as I'd be with Ashleigh again, I'd break. I'm surprised she hasn't bombarded me with a million questions about it yet.

'You didn't die. You're here. You're fine' Ashleigh says, as she hugs me again.

'I don't know what I was thinking, Ash' I say, lying as I cry. She sighs.

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