176 - Heidelberg, Victoria

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Ashleigh -

'Kyle, I'm at the Austin Hospital. Nick's in trouble. Please call me back as soon as you get this message. I can barely text, I've smashed my phone screen. I'm using Siri to call you right now' I say, leaving a voicemail as I sit on the floor of the hospital ward corridor, arms folded over my stomach.

My phone beeps letting me know the call is over as I sigh and put it on the floor next to me. In my panic of saving Nick and watching him being stretched out of his childhood house while his older brother cried his eyes out, I forgot how gravity worked and dropped my phone on the tiled floor, instantly smashing it. My fault for not having a case on it. Now I can't text anyone for help or support. I'm alone with my thoughts and unfortunately, memories of what I just saw.

Well, not totally alone.

Josh steps out of the ICU, absolutely traumatised as he looks for me, shaking his head, trying to clear it. He rubs his arms from the cold as he clears his throat.

'I'm here' I say, lifting my arm. He nods as he finally sees me and comes over.

'Sorry. My eyes have gone on me. I don't think I've ever cried this much since Aaron...you know' he says, as he sits down next to me, leaving against the wall. I lean my head on his shoulder.

'Don't ever apologise for crying. Your brother just...just did that. It's not your fault' I say firmly. My voice still wavers though.

'I really believed he was going to sleep. I'm such an idiot. He lied to me. I should have known better. What do I do?' He asks, more tears running down his face. I grab his hand as I gently squeeze it. I've been sick a few times since getting here. Nurses have been giving me those gross throwing up in bags. I'm a complete mess.

'It's not your fault, stop trying to convince yourself that it is. You don't get a text from your brother saying he's going back to sleep, and expect this to happen from it. God, I just hope he's okay and wakes up' I say, crying myself. He lets go of my hand as he puts his arm around me.

'He's in a coma. I didn't realise he'd also overdone his antidepressants, and by overdone I mean taken 10 instead of one. Add the blood loss from the cuts, and the lack of oxygen...I must be the world's worst sibling. I've let this happen to both of my brothers now. Az was out of control, but Nick...' Josh says, trailing off.

'I've seen the way you look after him. You're always the first one there every time. I wish I had a brother like you. And you didn't let this happen. Nick's in a lot of physical and mental pain right now. He...he's desperate to escape it' I say, Adeline's attempted drug overdose at work from years ago returning back to my mind. Lucky she had her daughter's grandfather there to help her.

'Josh!' Colleen yells, as she suddenly runs down the hall. He quickly stands up as he hugs his mother, both of them holding the other tightly.

'How is he? I'm sorry it took so long to get here, your dad tried everything to avoid the traffic. Maddie's on her way too' she says, as she pushes Josh's hair out of his face and kisses his cheek, hugging him again.

'It's not good, mum' Josh says, in tears. Colleen's also run down her face, as she looks at her son.

'Thank you for calling an ambulance and getting him here' she says, as she runs into the ICU, Peter joining us.

'Dad' Josh says, running over and wrapping his arms around him, crying heavily now. I still can't believe what's happened. What's happening. What will happen. My mind feels broken.

'What the hell has he done to himself this time?' Peter asks, as Josh leads him to his room. My phone vibrates as I see someone calling me from a private number. I ignore it.

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