178 - Dunkley V Daicos

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Ashleigh -

'It's a mistake, Josh. I swear it is. I've been trying to change it myself'

The beyond furious, and a little betrayed, eyes of Joshua Daicos glaring at me makes me feel like I'm going to burst in flames. He folds his arms as he shakes his head and rolls those pale blue eyes.

'And of all times, you choose to do this when my little brother is dying in that hospital. You really do not know how to be considerate' he says.

'You were the one who came in the ambulance with me, and you were the one who gave the police and paramedics your name as you were with me when the attack happened. They obviously got the wrong idea and that's how it's happened, and anyway, they're just wristbands. Nobody's filled out any official birth certificate yet with your surname on it, this isn't Adeline and Charlie' I say back, as I try to stand up. Scarlett screams at me.

'If they knew the truth, you'd think they'd cut those wristbands and fix the mistake then. I can't stand looking at it. The club are going to find out, and then my indefinite leave and being stood down will turn into a permanent delisting. Where's their father anyway? Why is he not here?' Josh asks.

'Because I have no phone and my selfish sister won't call him for me. He has no idea. You could charge your phone downstairs and tell him for me on Instagram or something, but you won't' I say.

'Of course I won't! I'm angry about the fact that the hospital are referring to your newborn twins as Baby Daicos, but I'm still worried about you. That wasn't okay, the way you passed out in the bathroom, and started bleeding. I yelled at them to bring you here ASAP, the police even gave me a warning for violent behaviour. I knew there was more than just a stab wound' he explains.

'I've told the nurses and midwife, Miles and Alexandra's surnames are Dunkley. They said they'd write it down but never changed the ID bands over. I guess I'll have to fill out the certificates to do that, but I need Kyle' I say tiredly, as my eyes try to close against my will. I snap them open.

'It's just funny how it seemed to happen when I was next door visiting Nick. It couldn't have happened when I was still here' he says suspiciously. I roll my eyes.

'Who wants KFC?' Zaine Cordy yells loudly, as he barges into the hospital room.

'Oh hell no' Josh says, rolling his eyes and shaking his head.

'Zaine, how on earth did you know?' I ask, widening my eyes as he passes Josh a bag of KFC. The man looks at it, too stunned to speak.

'Marcus probably told him' Scarlett says, shrugging.

'Wait, so that's how Kyle's going to find out our twins have been born? Through your gossiping fiancé who'll probably tell his brother?' I ask, annoyed. So, I can't even announce my own children's births without a whole Football Club finding out first. And not to mention, the worst one.

'Cordy, I don't want your stupid lunch' Josh says, passing the bag back to him as he sits down on the hospital bed, clutching his forehead.

'I do' Scarlett says, holding her hand out and taking it instead.

'I have not gone over 48 hours without sleep for him to barge in yelling about bloody KFC. I think my head is actually going to explode' Josh groans.

'You need to go home and rest' I say firmly. He rolls his eyes.

'The only other place I'll be going is across to the Austin to see my brother, who's fighting with death, and then Parkville to see my niece who's fighting for air' Josh exclaims. I go to speak, but Zaine jumps in.

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