153 - Online Court, Ararat

49 4 81


LEGAL COUNSEL - COUNSEL K. LINDWOOD FOR DECEASED (calling in from Nicholson Street offices) AND G. FRANCIS FOR DEFENCE (on site at court)

JUDGE - HON. LYLA BRANCH. (On-site at court)

CITIZEN - MS RUBY CANAVAN (location and whereabouts unknown, but appearing online in court)

Transcript edited and published by: E. Matthews (on site at court)

10:45am. Tuesday, 23rd April.

MISS CANAVAN - I don't get it. Why have I been called to the court? I wasn't involved with what happened in Preston, and I barely knew Mrs Curnow before her...before she left.

Miss Canavan sniffles as she wipes her eyes with the sleeve of her cardigan. Her hair looks unkept and she appears to be tired and emotionally exhausted.

HON. LYLA BLANCHE - Miss Canavan, it has been brought to the court's attention that you and several others were involved in an incident at the Crown Palladium Towers over a year ago where someone had attempted to take the life of Ms Julietta Kennedy. All parties involved are also being questioned, it is not just you.

MISS CANAVAN - I remember that night. That must have been the one and only time I'd actually met and spoken to Adeline. Ashleigh Templeton had a field day trying to keep it out of the papers with her former boss. I think we'd all agreed to forget that it had ever happened when Julietta woke up.

HON. LYLA BLANCHE - I'm glad to see you've had a sudden memory refresher, Miss Canavan, because you're required to speak your side of events regarding that incident, and how it was kept so secretive that the police haven't even found it written in the diaries of Mrs Curnow or Ms Templeton

MISS CANAVAN - Excuse me, my mum is still really sick. I'm just going to help her take her medication. I'll be back as fast as I can.



Ruby Canavan -

Do I remember what happened?

What happened when we all went outside to find Julietta Kennedy off her face?

What happened when Josh Dunkley, Adeline Curnow and Jamie Raegan Dunkley got into a massive fight in front of everyone?

What happened, back when I was forced to play the little slave follower?

What a stupid question. Of course I do. The event plays brightly over and over in my mind constantly, like it just happened a few days ago.

It was the first and only Brownlow Medal the Curnow's had been invited to. Charlie had disappeared, so Adeline stuck to Josh like glue. We didn't think Jamie was there, until...

Well, until she was.

It was Rhylee's first year and the Western Bulldogs were playing in the grand final the next Saturday. Majority of us were invited, but only a few of us actually decided to go.

Those few of us were stupid.

I made up the part about having to help my mum with her medication. She's not staying here. She's been hospitalised at the Sandringham Hospital. Doctors don't know what's going on with her. She just woke up very very ill one day and hasn't been the same since. She's been in a constant daze. I'm here only child, and when she looked at me the other day, she asked me who I was. All recognition and memory had been completely wiped out in a matter of weeks. And this is all Devon's fault. I feel it. I can feel it in my blood.

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