168 - Nicholas Daicos

64 4 12

Ashleigh Sami Brooklyn Templeton -

'Hi Addie, Lachie's informed us all that you got your phone back, please call me when you get the chance. I understand you're currently sick and struggling, especially with all you've been through...I miss you and want to catch up. Give me a buzz. Cheers. Templeton'

I hang up, leaving my best friend of 13 or 14 years the voicemail as I put my phone in my pocket. I've left texts and messaged her on Facebook. She's either left me on read or plain ignored me. Apparently she hasn't responded to Charlie either. I don't know, she's my sister, I can't just let her go through absolute hell like this alone. I also can't do a lot when I'm on my way to the Alfred Hospital again.

I saw Freyer and Annie properly today, FINALLY. My intuition was right, my eldest baby really was terrified and very clingy. Taylor and his mother have been looking after them and getting them lots of little treats. Frey Bae was very proud to show off her brand new Western Bulldogs guernsey, with Rhylee West's number on the back of it. Wherever that obsession started, I have no idea. I sent Zaine a photo and he is the most salty he has ever been in his whole life! So jealous. Annie's still pretty young but she understands enough to know bad things have been happening. She has to have some urgent scans, something wasn't looking quite right with her blood tests. I'm worried, but it could be nothing. You heard the doctors, Ashleigh. It's probably just an infection that she's fighting.

'Josh!' I say, running up as I hug him. He awkwardly looks over, trying to shake me off.

'Nobody's ever been so happy to see me' he awkwardly mumbles, as someone joins me with flowers.

'This is my mother in law Lisa Dunkley, you've probably seen her at the Brownlow with your name twin. Kyle couldn't come today as he had to help his dad with work, and has training later. Thanks for waiting downstairs by the way' I say. Josh nods as he says hi to Lisa.

'I have to warn you guys, what you're about to see, it's not pretty. He's very sick and not coping. In shock. Traumatised. His allergic reaction has turned out to be the least of his worries' Josh explains, as he leads us through the hospital.

'I do hope he's okay. My eldest son Josh, he's quite sick too. We've been trying to help him, but he's...he's not well' Lisa says, as Josh holds the elevator door open for us.

'I saw that on the news. I'm sorry. I wish him well' Josh says, as he presses button 4 on the elevator and sends us up to the fourth floor.

Walking through the unknown wards are scary. There's not many people out and mingling, probably due to pain and sickness. Peter Daicos is standing outside of his son's hospital room, looking in dismally. Colleen Daicos suddenly walks out in tears.

'I can't bare to see him like this anymore, Peter. He is not well. Ne daj Bože. Mu posakuvam mir.' She says, breaking out into Macedonian. Josh joins them.

'How's he doing?' He asks nervously. Peter shakes his head.

'The more aware he becomes, the more angered he is' he says. Josh sighs.

'Poor thing. I couldn't imagine' he says.

'Who's this?' Colleen asks tiredly, wiping her tears away as she looks at me.

'This is Ashleigh Templeton, and her mother in law Lisa. She's the girl who helped Nick. I thought she should at least get the chance to visit him' Josh says.

'You should have asked us first, Joshua. Your brother is a mess' Colleen says firmly.

'What are you talking about? She protected our son, Coll. I think the least we could do is let Ashleigh and Lisa see him' Peter says.

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