146 - Rock Bottom, Melbourne

48 4 20

Ashleigh -

'Please state your full name, age and suburb of residence to the court'

'Jacinta Wellington, 31, West Brunswick. Or should I say, the local police station. And soon enough, ICE'

Jacinta says this as she rolls her eyes and sulkily glares up at the judge, who raises her eyebrows proudly and ignores her.

'Now, Ms Wellington - I understand the Department of Immigration and the Births, Deaths and Marriages registry have officially rendered your marriage to Mr Stone-East void, meaning you and him are no longer legally married as you were never a legal citizen in the first place. Do you understand?' Lyla Blanche, or as Taylor Duryea calls her - Slyla Blanche, and Zaine - Liar Branch, says, sounding bored.

'I do not understand. I had a tourist visa when I married Devon. It was legal. It was valid' Jacinta says.

I look over to the side, where Devon sits with a few defenders. His back is to me, but it's not hard to tell that he's stressing out about something. Weasel hasn't made his appearance yet. It's kind of hard to believe that the older lawyer, who likes to make it clear he's worked 40 years and was apart of the gangland war killings team, is running late or absent without a replacement. Is he taking notes from Cheyenne Cini?

'I am telling you, by law, you and your husband are no longer married, Ms Wellington. Also, an investigation into you and who you are...your surname at birth wasn't really Wellington, was it?' Lyla asks, as the Plowman family's lawyer stands up.

'Your honour, I don't understand what's happening here. Is this a case against an illegal immigrant, or a trial for the aggravated kidnapping and murder of a young mother?' She asks. I watch as Monica, sitting at the table next to her, looks down at the table and smirks.

Sigh. Where are Lachie and Zac? They were meant to make it here today.

'Ms Lindwood, are you saying to argue with my procession of how this court trial shall go?' Lyla asks, glaring down at the lawyer.

'Not at all, your honour' Keira says.

'Then please, take a seat' Lyla orders, as Keira does what she's told.

'Typical rich white woman with power' she mumbles.

'Excuse me, Ms Lindwood? Was that a racist remark I heard against a Supreme Court judge in the middle of a hearing?' Lyla asks.

'Your honour, can we just move on with this? I understand the accused's lawyer isn't here and we have to stall until he is but this is just ridiculous. You guys are deliberately frying this woman alive' Keira argues back.

'No, if capitol punishment still existed in Australia then I would be frying her alive! Ms Wellington, would this behaviour be allowed in your native country?' Lyla asks, almost yelling as Jacinta shrugs nervously.

I look down at the first row behind Devon as I see their two children sitting together, playing games on their iPods, looking very bored. A police officer sits next to them, keeping a stern eye on her son, and his hand on the daughter's shoulder. They should not be here in court today. And god help the court if Freyer and Annie are ever ordered into one.

'Your honour, it's 10 past 10. Let the record show that Joshua Dunkley, Jesse Efron alias Jayden Sayers and Maeve Young still have not made contact with or are here at the court' the clerk says. Lyla sighs, bored as she writes something down.

'Surprise surprise, even with a man hunt out for them they still haven't been found. Should I move this investigation overseas?' Lyla asks.

'It was a joke. Now, Ms Wellington, since your ex husband's defender isn't here at the court today, we're going to have to start with the family of the deceased. Counsel, when you're ready' Lyla says, as Keira stands to her feet and walks around Monica, black clipboard in her hands.

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