Chapter 49 - 'Plow'man

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Charlie -

"Zaine, must you do that?" I ask, irritated as my best mate balances several spoons on his face and sticks his arms out as if he's performing some sort of stupid professional act.

"Hey idiots, sorry I'm late" Jayden says, walking in and sitting between Zaine and I at the table. Zaine, distracted, loses focus and drops the spoons.

"You guys are really mean, you know that right?" Zaine asks, bending down to collect the spoons.

"I'll never understand why Karen and Brian let him leave the house by himself every day" Jayden says, shaking his head.

"Do you want a drink or anything? Zaine's shouting us both today, since he crashed my bike on his way in" I say. Zaine glares at me.

"And you say I've got bad breaks" Jayden says, shaking his head.

I continue reading the paper in front of me, not because I like reading it (I rarely read it ever) but because Ed's featured in today's edition, and I like to think of myself as a good brother. There's also a review about GWS' win included in here. I decide to read that as well while letting the idiots argue over who's responsible for paying for Jayden's drink.

"Amongst the new draftees from 2012, three were included in the game this weekend who are surrounded by talk of being delisted - Caleb Marchbank, 18, Jed Lamb, 18 and Lachlan Plowman, 18"

My eyes almost skim over it, until I notice the surname, and recognise the first initial, and the name.

And then it hits me.

"Jesus, Zaine! Did you have to throw that at me?" I ask, rubbing my face from where he just hit me with a cookie, or something. I don't know why I bother going anywhere with these two, you obviously can't take them anywhere without a scene being caused. This is a cafe, not a wrestling arena.

"Sorry" Zaine says, picking up his cookie and returning to his seat. When they both realise I'm not paying attention, they exchange a look and laugh.

"Zaine, phone" I order, holding my hand out as I continue reading more about GWS.

"Why my phone?" Zaine asks, annoyed.

"Mine's flat and I know Jayden won't give his to me, so hand it over" I order.

"I've got no data anyway, I'm no help even if I did give my phone to you" Jayden says sighing while Zaine hands me his iPhone. I quickly unlock it, knowing his passcode off by heart, and open the google app.

"Ooh, he's googling something" Jayden says, suddenly looking over my shoulder.

"Is it my name?" Zaine asks, also joining in.

"Do you guys mind? I'm doing some very important research here and I would like it if you two sat down like normal people" I say, getting annoyed by their nosiness. Especially Jayden. He knows better.

"Important research on me, right? I'm gonna get drafted this year! Gonna make the Cordy name a lot successful than Ayce didn't make it" Zaine says.

"I can't believe you think you're gonna get drafted" Jayden says.

"Why wouldn't I?" Zaine asks.

"Well for one, you have to be a good player"

I ignore the idiots in the background as I relaunch the app after having accidentally closed it and I quickly type his name into the search bar.

Lachlan Plowman.

Almost immediately, results show up for his player profile on the GWS website, photos of him from when he was drafted, and more. He looks kind of emo, having a scruffy scene haircut and the baby face to accompany it.

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