"Trust Me"

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Luke: His hands make their way down your sides, tortuously slow.

Rolling on top of you, his lips make their way down your neck, past your collarbone, past the neckline of your shirt.

“This has to go.” He mutters, half ripping the buttons off in his haste.

As soon as the offending article is off, his lips are back on you. Your hands can’t stay still, exploring his chest, his back, his arms. Not wanting him to be left out, you tug his shirt over his head, exposing more skin to you.

You roll you both over on the bed, finding your way on top of him. Your hips settle against his, making you both ache with want as you move against each other. The air in the room is burning up, the heat between the two of you electric. His hands wander up, over your breasts, and it’s like a million volts of electricity passing through you.

“Luke.” You moan out, detaching your lips from his to try to breathe again.

With a sound almost like a growl, he rolls on top of you again, holding himself up above you. “Do you trust me?” He asks, blue eyes searching yours.

“Yes.” You answer immediately, with no hesitation.

He leans back, hands going to the button of your shorts. Within a second its undone, his fingers dragging down your zipper agonizingly slowly. You lift your hips, letting him slide the shorts down your shaking legs.

“Do you trust me?” His mouth is making its ways up your legs, leaving butterfly kisses you feel burning long after his lips have moved on.

“Yes.” You repeat, eyes fluttering shut.

He kisses right on your inner thigh, his breath washing over every part of you, only a thin piece of fabric separating him from where you need him.

“Do you trust me?” He asks, quietly, softly, hands brushing up over your hips

All you can do is nod as he slides the lace down your legs.

Ashton: “Are you fucking with me again? Because last time you said to trust you, I ended up with a pickled onion in my mouth.” You stand shivering on the diving board, sunshine glinting off the water below you. The day was sweltering, the blue water beckoning. But the deep water below you sent butterflies racing around your stomach. Not being able to swim well wasn’t a valid enough excuse to avoid jumping in for your boyfriend, waiting for you down below.

“C’mon, don’t be a wuss.” Ashton calls up, beckoning you in.

“Are you actually gonna catch me? Or are you just gonna let me flounder around like a jellyfish?” He’d been trying to goad you into jumping off the high diving board all day, trying to convince you with promises of catching you at the bottom.

His laughter makes its way up to you. “Babe, you’re a lot sexier than a jellyfish, floundering or not. I’ll catch you, I promise. Trust me.”

With a groan, you give in. “If I end up drowning, I want it to be known that it’s on you.”

“Yeah, yeah, I know, you’ll haunt me and all that, now just jump in! The water’s perfect.” His accent is clear and convincing, and you finally make up your mind to take the plunge.

Squeezing your eyes shut, you jump in, a scream escaping your throat on the way down. The water is colder than you expected, but the pair of arms wrapping around you are warm.  

Gasping, you break the surface, sucking in air like you’d been under for minutes, not seconds. Your legs wrap around Ashton’s waist, holding on to him like a life preserver.

“Shit. Shit, you actually caught me. I’m not a watery corpse.” You’re still in slight disbelief at the fact you’re not dead.

Ashton has a shit eating grin on his face as he holds you both up, the water breaking around you two. Kissing you soundly, he tastes like the salt water.

“See? I told you to trust me.”

Calum: You pick up the CD, examining the back cover carefully. Without thinking, you bite your lip, indecisive.

“You won’t like that one.” The voice next to you says confidently.

Startled, you look over to find the tall boy with the dark hair who works here next to you. You’d been coming to this music store for months, but you’d never had an excuse to talk to the cute boy who gave bass lessons in the back.

“Oh yeah?” You find your voice as you tear your eyes away from his arms, decorated with tattoos and exposed in his black tank top.

“Nope.” He says, popping the ‘p.’ Reaching over, he grabs the album from you, sliding it back into its place on the shelf.

“And what do you think I’d like?” You’re not sure where this bold flirtiness is coming from, but he seems to like it. A grin lights up his face.

With a sureness, he grabs a record you hadn’t seen before, placing it in your hands with a flourish. “This, this you’ll like.”

“Are you sure about that..?” You trail off, unsure of his name.

“Calum. And I’m sure about that. Trust me, you’ll love it.”

You raise your eyebrows. “Well, if you’re so sure.”

“I am. You can tell me how much you love it over dinner on Friday.” With a wink and a smug smile, he’s sauntering off, leaving you wondering what exactly just happened.

Michael: He tied the blindfold better than you expected, no light peeking in through the black fabric of his tie.

“Alright, there’s a step here, be careful.” He warns, but you still trip, lurching forward to grab on to him. Laughing at your clumsiness, he rights you before leading you again.

“Where are we going?” You badger him.

“I wasn’t going to tell you 5 minutes ago, and I’m not going to tell you now. Just be patient.” Michael tries to sooth you, linking his fingers through yours.

“If you’re pulling a prank on me and this ends up on the internet, I’m posting those pictures of you and Jack when you two were drunk last month.” A million embarrassing things race through your mind, and you wouldn’t put any of them past your boyfriend.

He stops, wrapping his arms around your waist. “Would I really have you get all dressed up just to prank you?”

“Yes, you would.” You snort, knowing full well the pretty dress, full makeup, and high heels wouldn’t stop him.

Michael pauses. “Fair point. But I’m not. You’ll like this, trust me.”

“Fine. But only because I love you.”

You feel him reach behind you, slowly untying the tie he’d wrapped around your eyes to block your vision. It takes a minute for your vision to adjust to the sudden light.

“That’s a good thing, or else this is gonna be really awkward.”

As the blindfold falls away, the scene before you is revealed- candles and roses cover every inch of the room. You’ve never seen your backyard look so soft and romantic. Your mouth falls open as Michael, more dressed up than you’ve ever seen him in a suit and leather jacket, reaches into his pocket.

With the ring in his hand and a grin on his face, he falls to his knee in front of you. “Do you trust me enough to marry me?”

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