You Argue And He Stops You From Leaving

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Calum: You can’t just delete me from your life Calum!” you shouted at your drunk boyfriend. He was going through all the pictures of you on his phone, and on his laptop and was deleting them. “Watch me,” he slurred, as another photo blinked away. “You know, maybe I should call the police and let them know that you’ve had one beer too many!” you shouted. Your words fell on dead ears. Calum got up and walked over to the shelf. He took a photo album off and opened it up to a random page. He slipped a picture of you two out of it’s thin cover, and tore it in half. He crumpled the half with you on it and tossed it aside. With care, Calum put the picture of just him back in the photo album, and then began to repeat the process. Tears began to stream down your face. “Fuck you, Calum. You’re just some stupid, cold-hearted drunk that doesn’t give a shit about me. And you know what? I cared way too much about you. But I’ll leave you alone now, since that’s what you want!” you choked out. Calum continued to rip you out of the pictures, but scoffed at your words. You set your jaw, and walked into the bedroom. You grabbed a bag from the closet, and began to shove your stuff inside of it. Calum followed you, and as soon as he saw what you were doing, he seemed to sober up a bit. “You’re really leaving?” Calum asked, his lips trembling. He held back the tears that were begging to come. “Yes. That’s what you want, isn’t it?!” You shouted, zipping up your bag. Calum rushed over to you, and snatched the bag. He unzipped it, and dumped the contents onto the bed. You glared at him. “Please don’t go. I love you,” Calum whispered, his voice cracking. “Then why did you do all that?” you asked, not a hint of sympathy in your tone. “Because I’m afraid. I’m afraid of you leaving me, and I’m drunk. I don’t know what I’m doing, please just forgive me. Please, I didn’t mean it Y/N,” Calum begged, taking a step towards you. “Okay,” you found yourself agreeing. He enveloped you into a bone-crushing hug, and you had to push him off. “But you’re still on a thin line, and you’re drunk right now,” you said, your eyes no longer tear filled. Calum nodded, and then shoved everything off your bed. “Come lay with me?” he asked. When you shrugged and climbed into bed, he flicked off the light and slipped in next to you. “I still love you,” Calum assured. You started to smile, and were glad he couldn’t see you. “I know,” you replied.

Michael: You rolled your eyes, swallowing the lump in your throat. You and Michael were arguing, and he had just shoved everything off the set table, leaving a pile of broken dishes on the ground. You tried speaking, but the lump was too large. You knew if you uttered a word, you’d burst into shaking, rattling sobs. You sniffed haughtily, and walked out of the room as quickly as you could. You grabbed your coat, and slipped it on. You pulled on a pair of shoes, and opened the door, ready to leave. Michael’s hand was shutting the door before you could, though. He stepped in front of you. “You’re just going to run away from your problems?” he snapped, but you saw an underlying fear in his eyes. You didn’t answer, just looked down. You still couldn’t speak. You shrugged off the coat, and hung it back up. You took off your shoes, and walked back to the bathroom, where you shut and locked the door. You didn’t want Michael to hear you crying, so you held back the tears for a little longer to turn on the shower. You sat down against the wall, and let the tears fall in sobs that racked through your body. A knock sounded in the bathroom. “Y/N?” You heard Michael call from outside the door. The tears didn’t stop, and when you tried to answer him to say, “Go away,” you just ended up gasping in air. You really needed to calm down, but it wasn’t easy. Michael took that as an opportunity to bust open the previously locked door. His face dropped in concern when he saw you crumpled on the floor beside the running shower. He reached inside the shower and twisted the faucet, shutting the water off. He then sat down beside you, and draped his dry arm around your trembling body. You were no longer crying, just hyperventilating. You sometimes did this after crying; you couldn’t control your gasping. “Hey,” Michael said in a soothing voice. “It’s alright. Take deep breaths. In, out. In, out.” The moving of your chest began to match the timing of his words, noticeably slowing down. “I’m sorry,” you managed to say after a while of Michael soothing you. “I’m sorry too. I shouldn’t have broken those dishes, or said everything I did,” Michael said, then paused. “I cleaned up the dishes though.” His voice changed drastically, from sad and concerned to proud and cheerful. You let out a small giggle, then sniffed, wiping your eyes with the back of your hand. Michael broke into a large grin, and patted your back. You locked eyes with him, and smiled. Suddenly, you were glad he had stopped you from leaving. You just needed to cool down, and if you had been on your own, it would have taken much longer, and probably would have had a different outcome. What would you do without Michael, anyways?

Luke: You glared at Luke, and sucked in a sharp breath. You were so sick of having to keep your relationship a secret. “You know what I think? You’re embarrassed by me. That’s why you don’t want people to know about us. You haven’t given me any reason to believe otherwise,” you spat. Luke opened his mouth, but you cut him off. You knew what he was going to say. “Yeah, I know. ‘You don’t want me to get hate.’ Well, don’t you think I didn’t know what I was getting myself into. I can take the hate, as I’ve told you several times. You aren’t trying to protect me, just yourself.” You looked down, and shook your head. Luke didn’t say anything. “That’s what I thought. Goodbye, Luke. I’ll come back for my stuff another time” you said. Moving from your spot in the doorway, you headed towards the apartment’s entrance. As you turned the doorknob, you felt Luke’s hand on your shoulder. “Wait,” he said. Brushing his hand off your shoulder, you turned around. “Oh, now you say something?” you asked. Luke sighed. “Just hear me out,” he pleaded. “Okay, I guess so,” you conceded. “I was afraid,” Luke said. “Of what?” You asked. “Of losing you!” he shouted. You were both silent. “Why?” “Because if our relationship was public, I’d have to do things like introduce you to all my friends, and other people. You’d meet someone better than me for sure! I just don’t want to lose you,” he whispered. “You don’t have to worry about that, Luke. I’m with you for a reason. You’re so sweet, and just hearing you talk makes my heart race. But I’m so sick of telling my friends, ‘Yes, I’m still single. No, I don’t want to go on a blind date with a boy you know.’ I just want to tell everyone about us,” you said breathlessly. You continued, “I want to tell people about us because I love you and I don’t want to hide it. I love you Luke, and meeting another person won’t change that.” Luke looked down. “I’m sorry, Y/N. You can tell people about us if you want.. Here, I’ll tweet about you right now?” Luke looked at you questioningly. A smile made its way onto your face. “Are you sure?” “Absolutely,” Luke responded, and planted a kiss on your forehead. “Because I’m not embarrassed by you at all, and I can’t wait to show everyone you’re mine.”

Ashton: You shared a house with one of your best friends, Ashton Irwin. There was only a small problem with this. Actually, the problem was very large. You liked Ashton, but knew he didn’t like you. You heard him through the wall on the phone every night, always talking about this perfect girl. At first you were hopeful and happy, and thought he was talking about you, but soon realized he was talking about a girl you had introduced him to. You didn’t know how much longer you could take it, so you decided to move out. Your fist tapped Ashton’s door lightly. “Y/N? Come in,” Ashton said. You pushed the door open, and it swung forward. “What’s up?” he asked, looking at you expectantly from his lounging place in his bed. “I think… Look, it’s been great living with my best friend. But I think maybe it’s time for us to go our separate ways. I want to move out,” you stated. Ashton looked a little hurt. “But.. Why? I thought this was fun!” He frowned slightly. “It isn’t. I mean, it is. Look, I just want to, okay.” It didn’t come out as a question. “Well, if you want to leave I can’t stop you. But don’t you at least owe me an explanation?” Ashton asked, his face downcast. You snapped. “Because I really like you! And I can’t stand to listen to you talk about some girl every night who sounds a thousand times better than I’ll ever be,” you exclaimed exasperatedly. Ashton stared at you as though you’d grown another head. “You.. You can hear me?” he asked. “That’s all you’re going to say?” you pushed. Ashton paused before answering. “That girl that I’ve been talking about isn’t just some random girl. She’s you. How couldn’t you know that?” Ashton asks, sitting up from his spot on his bed. You took a step towards him. “Really?” you manage to get out in disbelief. “Really,” Ashton answered, scooting to the edge of the bed. You grinned. Ashton stood up and took a step towards you. Another step, and the gap was closed. Ashton’s lips stayed just beside yours for what seemed like minutes, but was actually seconds. Then you put your hands around his neck and brought his lips to yours. His hands reached up and wrapped around your waist. Eventually you had to pull away. Ashton grinned. “Who knew my bestie was such a great kisser?” he teased. You laughed. “You don’t know how long I’ve been waiting to do that,” you answered with a very cliché response.

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