Premature Baby

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Calum: The little girl looked as if she could fit into Calum’s palm. So tiny but hooked up to every possible tube the hospital had to offer, he knew they were there to keep her alive and help her grow, but he hated seeing all those machines hooked up to his daughter. You were still too weak to see her, but Calum stayed with her for as long as he could. He didn’t want to let his precious little angel who is barely clinging to her life as it was out of his sight, he didnt’ want to lose what he loved and just got. She was a miracle baby, he knew that she was.

Michael: 11 weeks early, your son entered the world, way too early for any baby to be born, but he was out and fighting every step. Both you and Michael were scared that your son wouldn’t make it, but Michale would attempt to stop your worries by saying that he was a fighter like you, and he’d make it. “You can do it little guy, me and mommy love you and we know you’ll make it through this.” It was then for the very first time that Michael saw his son’s eyes stare back at him and that right there made Michael cry, but it was also then that he knew his son would make it through.

Luke: “I was supposed to have you today.” you say to your son who looks like a baby doll in your arms. “I wasn’t supposed to have you 6 weeks ago. Today was supposed to be the day, but you decided you didn’t want to wait i guess, and now you’re hooked up to all these machines, but mommy and daddy still love you. We love you so much, we can’t wait for you to come and join us at home. It’s so quiet without you there, hopefully a few more weeks and you’ll come home. Mommy needs daddy to have a distraction.” you joke and Luke puts his hands on your shoulders. “Apparently i talk to much buddy, something for you to look forward too.”

Ashton: “Will she be okay?” he asked the nurse as you both sit outside your daughter’s incubator and watched as she breathed with the help of a breathing ventilator. “She’s a fighter.” the nurse says with a smile and looks at the two of you. “She’s doing well, putting on the right amount of wait and everything. She keeps going like this, you guys should be able to bring her home in just a few weeks. It looks worse than it really is.” She assures you before leaving you guys to attend to another baby. Ashton kisses the top of your head. “Just a few more weeks.”

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