Windows by Lewis Watson

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Ashton- It’s such a shame that we can’t renew all those feelings that we shared back a month or two 

Ashton has been acting weird lately. He’s been avoiding confrontation, becoming distant, and  leaving at all hours of the day. The day came where it was time for you to confront him. “Ashton?” You asked, innocently. “Yeah?” He asked, setting his phone down. “What’s been wrong with us lately? You haven’t been talking to me or anything. I mean I’m not completely innocent either, but what happened?” He sighed. “I don’t know, but I have a feeling nothing’s gonna be the same as it was.” You let a warm tear glide don’t your cheek. “(Y/N), that’s not what I meant. The reason I’ve been acting like this lately, is because I’ve been planning something.” You gave him a puzzled glare. He got down on one knee. “(Y/N), I know it’s a little different from when we first met, because there’s not always a feeling of pure lust, which I miss a little bit, but replacing the pure lust is pure love. Love makes everything better and I know that now thanks to you. Would you do me the honor of becoming my wife?” You smiled and hugged him. “Yes!” You said, as Ashton slipped the ring on your finger. 

Calum- You know, I kept everything that reminds me of us. It sounds weird but you’re picture’s still hung up 

You and Calum broke up a month ago, and ever since, it’s been pure hell. You missed the way you two cuddled for hours, or the way he’d play with your hair when he was tired. Sitting on your couch, you realized that you had a box of things from the relationship that you kept. You went into your room and pulled out one of Cal’s beanies. You put it on and continued rummaging through the box, when you came across a picture album from the vacation he and you went on to  St. Lucia. You couldn’t help but to let a little tear escape, seeing how happy the two of you looked together. You knew it was an unhealthy thing to do, but you taped a few of the pictures in your living room, where the rest of you pictures were hung. You missed him, but you knew he’s forgotten about you and is now more focused on his career. Now that was the thing that hurt the most. 

Luke- I’ll call you up at like 3 am, again, just to make sure you know I don’t mind waiting. 

You lied in bed, sound asleep, when your phone started to ring. You happened to see the time: 3:06. Who ever was calling better have a good explanation for their disruptive call. “Hello?” You answered, groggily. “Babe?”  You heard the familiar Australian accent you’ve come to love. “Luke, what’s wrong? Why are you calling at three in the morning?” You and Luke decided to ‘take a break’. meaning you were split up. “I miss you so much! I need you.” You sighed. “Luke, I love you, I do, but I need sometime to think about this all.” “Okay, but I don’t mind waiting for you.” He replied. “Well, I don’t think you’ll be waiting too long. I’m gonna go back to sleep now. I love you, Luke.” “I love you, too. Please hurry?” He said, innocently. “Okay, I’ll try.” 

Michael- I’m not here to startle you, hell, I only came cause you asked me to

"Michael? Can you come over?" You asked. You and your boyfriend of a year just broke up. You broke it off with him because you’ve realized that you’re in love with Michael and you have been since the day you met. You always called him when you and your ex had a fight. Tonight, you planned on telling him. He knocked on your door, making you nervous. "(Y/N), what’s wrong?"  You sighed. "Did you and that scumbag have another fight?" You nodded, not being able to speak. "We broke up." You said, barely audible . "Why, if you don’t mind me asking?" Dammit, you were having second thoughts about telling him. "Michael, we broke up because I told him that I’m in love with you."You got up and went to go to your room. You slammed the door shut and started to cry into your pillow. You felt a pair of hands on your back. "Don’t cry. I love you, too. I always have." He said, making you lift you head from the pillow. "Really?" You said, Michael wiping your tears away. "Yes, you’re perfect. Why wouldn’t I?" He said, gently caressing your face and kissing you. "I love you so much." He smiled and held you in his arms, gently rocking you. 

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