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Ashton: "Ash, can you please just calm down and get your ass in the car?" You shouted from the entryway of your hotel room, you being slightly annoyed with hearing your boyfriend nervously run around mumbling that he might have forgotten something or that he just had to fix one little piece of his hair. Ashton poked his head around the corner, eyes big and innocent. "But, Y/N." He whined, looking worried. "I'm kinda nervous." He admitted and you scoffed, smiling slightly. "Ash, I told you a million times, they'll love you." This was his first time meeting your family and on a huge holiday as well. "But, I don't even understand what this 'thanksgiving' is!" He pointed out, running a hand through his hair anxiously. "All you need to know is that this holiday is an excuse to meet up with family and eat a shit ton of food, okay?" You finally said, walking over to him and adjusting the collar of his jacket so it was even. He sighed deeply, and then smiled. "I think I can manage the eating thing." You laughed lightly, "Yea, I figured. Now, let's go before we're late, which they won't appreciate." You added on and that finally got him out the door, pulling you along.

Calum: "I still just don't get it!" Calum complained, as you laughed at how dumb he was being. "I explained only a thousand times." You reminded him, running your hands through his hair as he rested his head on you lap. "Back when the pilgrims were first immigrating to America they formed an alliance with the Native Americans and on this day a few hundred years ago was when they had their first peaceful feast. So, each year on this day, Americans celebrate with families getting together and feasting." You explained again as Calum still looked confused. "So, basically it's just a day to eat?" You nodded, "Basically," Your boyfriend smirked, "Sounds fucking great." You laughed again, "So, you'll go?" You asked, referring to you asking him before if he'd come with you to your families thanksgiving. "Of course, babe, I would have agreed either way, I just find it cute when you get all frustrated." He admitted, earning a smack to his shoulder. "You're really a piece of work, ya know that?" You chastised, but couldn't help feeling affection for him. "Ya, but you love me." He confidently said, smirking. "That I do," You agreed, leaning down to kiss him.

Luke: "So, what if they don't like me?" Luke finally got the courage to ask, putting the car in park outside of your families house. You sighed, turning to look at him. "Doesn't matter, Luke. I'll still love you and that's all that matters." You reached out to grab his hand, giving it a tight and reassuring squeeze. He gave you a small smile before leaning over the consul to quickly peck your lips. The two of you slowly made your way up to the house, and before you could even reach out to knock, your little brother opened the door. "Y/N!" He screamed and ran out to give you a hug, barely coming up to your hip. "Hey, buddy." You smiled, ruffling his hair. "Mommy, Y/N's back!" He screamed towards the open door. "And there's a boy with her!" He added on, letting go of you and giggling as he ran back into the house. You turned to Luke and were happy to see him grinning. You grabbed his hand before entering the house, only to be bombarded by your mother. "Y/N!" She happily exclaimed and you let go of Luke to hug her. "And mom, this is Luke." You introduced, stepping back towards him. "Wow, you weren't kidding about his height." Your mother joked, causing both of you to laugh. "Well, c'mon, kids, dinner is almost ready." She gestured towards the kitchen and you exchanged another small smile with Luke before following her.

Michael: "Y/N!" You heard Michael shout from downstairs. You could only groan in response, still sad as you laid in your shared bed, covered with sheets as you thought about your family back home, all together and happy on this holiday. You were still upset that you couldn't make it back home to see this today, but there wasn't much you could do about it. "Y/N?" Michael asked, now standing in the doorway, causing you to groan again. "Babe, c'mon, I've got a surprise for you." He insisted, slowly removing the covers and eventually getting you out of bed. "You'll love it, I promise." He smiled, holding your hand as the two of you made your way downstairs. As soon as you were down the stairs you could smell the familiar scent of cooked turkey and stuffing. You now hurriedly made your way to the kitchen, only to find that Michael had made you two your own type of thanksgiving. "Oh my gosh," You said, very surprised. "Michael," You turned to him, eyes wide. "You actually cooked." You said in disbelief. He grinned, "That I did, I just thought since you can't be home for this, then we can make our own sort of holiday." He sheepishly said, looking down and seeming to be waiting for your approval. You walked over towards him, wrapping your arms around his torso. "Thank you, Mikey, I love it." And then he looked back up, grinning from ear to ear. "Well, I'm just glad you're not moping around anymore. That was getting annoying." He joked as you smacked his arm.

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