' I'm Pregnant ' Part 2

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You were still crumpled on the ground, tears were still clouding your vision. You didn’t know how long you have been there, how long you have been thinking about your life.
What will you do? The question kept repeating round in your mind, making a wave of sadness flood over you. You tried getting up, but your body was so weak. The energy had been used up, by the depressed thoughts that repeated round your mind. 
Suddenly there was a knock at your door, the banging making you jump out of your place. Having no strength, you just sat there, helpless. 
The banging got louder, until each loud knock made your ears buzz. You placed your hands on top of the table, putting all your weight onto and raising to your feet. Slowly stumbling your way to the door, you open it up to see Luke there. Confusion probably covered your face. 
‘Calum has been round, told me what happened’ It took one moment, until you were tightly grasping at Luke shirt. His arms immediately wrapped round yours, 
letting more tears fall. 
‘He’s a mess’ Luke whispered, this got you angry. He wasn’t allowed to be a mass. He left you. Shaking your head in disbelief you looked up.
‘He’s a mess’ You spat, ‘He’s the one who walked away!’ You basically screamed. Luke tried calming you down, but you ignored him. Walking away it was obvious Luke followed you. 
‘He says he is sorry!’ Luke whispered, you stood frozen in place. Turning slightly you glared up at Luke.
‘He has left me! He left me with a baby growing inside of me! I don’t know where I’m going, what I’m doing! And he says sorry?’ There was another knock on the door, making your towards it you felt footsteps behind you.
Opening it up, you saw Calum. You whole face tensed, your body stiff. 
‘What do you want?’ You said through gritted teeth. 
‘I came here to apologise’ As he spoke you noticed his features. His eyes were red, his whole face warn out. His body was leaning against the door frame. Weak. ‘I know what I did was bad, I turned away from you! The one thing I promised never to do. I don’t want to hurt you anymore, but I want to be part of you life. I want to be a dad. I just didn’t realise it at first, but now, I’m so happy’ You saw the smile on his face ‘And if-if you want, I want to be with you again..’ His eyes were full of hope, his hands were wrapped around each other. 
All your thoughts muddled together, causing a struggle to talk. You just stand there silent, trying to say something. Knowing that nothing was coming out, you just hug him. He gladly accepts you back into his arms, holding you tightly. 
‘Im sorry’ he whispered kissing the top of your head. ‘Truly I am..’

After an hour, you heard the car engine pull back into your drive. You went upstairs and retired your packed bags, knowing that once he was bald you were gone. 
The key rattled, then you heard the click that showed the door was open. The footnotes were quiet, slow. Like they were almost scared to be in here. 
Walking down the stairs, Luke’s eyes went wide when he saw your two fully packed bags. 
‘Where are you going?’ Luke questioned. He looked hurt, like waking away from him was exactly what he didn’t want. 
‘I don’t know yet Luke, but I know that you want me out of you life..’ You say, hoping your voice didn’t sound to weak. 
‘Thats exactly the opposite to what I want!’ He says, voice not quite shouting ‘I want us to be together with our little baby..’ 
‘Oh so you actually believe it’s your now?’ The anger framing your voice. He sheepishly nods, running his hand through his hair. ‘Wow.’ Was all you said, even though it has only been a short amount of time since he left, you were still hurt by what he put you through.
‘You can’t just come back here and expect everything to be okay’ You whispered ‘I think I need to go..’ You say walking towards the door. 
‘Dont’ Luke asked, he sounded so venerable, like if you left, he would break him into a million pieces. 
‘Luke,’ You say calmly ‘You accused me of cheating, you walked out on me, you made me believe that I was on my own, that I had you bring our baby up on my own and you expect me to welcome you back with open arms?’ He was silent. ‘Look I just need a few days okay?’ He just stood there, sighing you walked out. Having a tiny bit of hope that he would follow you, it was all destroyed when you shut your car door and zoomed off.
After a few days, you mind was less foggy. You understood that your baby needed a father, and Luke was wanting to do it. The only thing is he hasn’t called or texted, he hasn’t made any effort to talk to you. Maybe he didn’t want to be with you. 
Walking out of your friends apartment, you made your way to you old home. Knocking on the door, a tired Luke opened the door. His eyes lit up when he saw your face.
‘Y/N!’ He wrapped you in a hug before you got a chance to say anything. ‘I was worried you wouldn’t come back’ You smiled, understanding that he had given you space. ‘I know what I did was horrible, and trust me I’m not proud of it. But, I really do want this, it’s amazing. Our child, and being able to look after it with you would be my dream..’ He looked down shyly, probably embarrassed by his little speech. Lifting his chin slightly you pressed your lips against his, trying to put in as much emotion as possible. 
‘I love you so much’ You murmured against his lips, making a smile spread across his face.

You quietly walked over to your desk, placing your laptop on there, and plugging the charger in. Standing there, you started to think. 
Thoughts swirled round, how were you going to do this? You knew that you wanted this but how were you meant to do this on your own? Suddenly it dawned on you, Ashton isn’t going to be there anymore. He isn’t going to be there for you like he promise.d Like he said he would throughout your whole relationship. Now your life will change, and you have no idea if he will be involved in it or not. 
You didn’t know how long you were standing there, but checking your phone you had a lot of missed calls. 
Rolling your eyes you put your phone away, not prepared to be involved in reality today. 
A yawn escaped your lips, so you slowly walked towards your bed. Laying here, looking up at the ceiling you put your hands on your belly. A smile rose from your lips as you thought about it.
‘I love you so much’ You whispered, somehow thinking it can hear you. Snuggling into the bed, you felt the cold the limed behind you. Rolling over, you watched, thinking if you kept starting maybe Ashton would turn up. 
Maybe he is suddenly alright with you being pregnant, maybe he will want to be a dad. You got so caught up in your imagination, that when bought back down to reality. You just saw the laid out sheets, they look perfect.Like there was no one there to begin with, like Ashton didn’t even exist in your life. Only you.
Rolling over you stare at the wall, knowing there was no point letting your mind take over. All it would do it bring you to tears. 
Getting out of bed, you tiredly made your way to the door, Suddenly you jump startled by the phone. Quickly walking towards it you answer.
‘Y/N!!!’ You near Ashton say, his voice far to excited. 
‘What is it Ash-Ashton?’ Your voice trembled, knowing you can’t use his nickname anymore. There was silence in the other end of the line. For a few seconds it had stayed like this until he spoke up.
‘I want this to work. I want this to be us. I want a baby. I want you.’ He spoke quietly, softly. 
‘I wanted that too. But why would you all of a sudden change your mind?’ Your spoke quietly, tired.
‘I thought about it! Just think in a couple of years time, we will have a little kid running around. Our little kid, And that put a massive smile on my face.’ A smile grew on your face when he said this. 
‘Im saying I’m forgiving you fully, because what you did. You said you couldn’t have a baby, but I am saying that we can work through this.’ You voice was calm, your eyes were droopy.
A sigh of relief escaped Ashton’s mouth. ‘Thank you so much’ He spoke you could hear the smile on his face. 
And just like that you knew, you knew that Ashton would be there for you.

Running towards your car, you felt yourself being pulled back. 
‘Where are you going?’ Michael asked his breathing slightly faster. 
‘Away from you!’ You spat, making him wince back. Pulling your hand away, you walked towards the car, trying to rush out before the real tears fall. 
‘You can’t just leave!’ he shouted, making you stop in your tracks. 
‘You can’t just deny being a father!’ You scream back, you two are only a few meters away. Both of you staring at one an other, silent. 
‘I don’t know what to do..’Michael whispered, you could just about near him. Giving him a confused look he carried on. ‘I don’t know how to be a dad, I don’t understand. I’m scared Y/N, I’m scared.’ Walking a little bit closer to him, you lay your hand in his. 
‘Do you expect me to know what I’m doing?’ You say softly. ‘I am petrified, I have a little human growing inside me, and I know nothing about it. I don’t know What going on, I didn’t. even think that you would be there to help. Do you know how scary it was thinking that this’ You say pointing to the both of you ‘Is over?’ His eyes squeezed shut for just a moment.
‘Im so sorry’ He whispered, his arm reached out, pulling you closer. ‘I know that what I did, what I said was horrible, but you just got to know that it here now, I will stop playing video games. I will learn, just like you. Smiling and nodded, you leaned up to kiss him. 
‘Thank you so much Michael’ You whisper, against his chest ’ for everything’ making your way back into the house, you interlock your hands together. 
‘I love you’ You say at the same time, making a giggle escape from your lips.

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