First Kiss

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Luke: You and Luke were walking through the amusement park. It was a chilly fall day and your hand never left the warmth of his. It was your third date together and you still hadn’t kissed because, to be quite honest, you were nervous. Luke was everything you could dream for in a boyfriend and you didn’t want to ruin that with what you thought was “godawful make-out skills”. Taking you away from your thoughts, Luke led you to a roller coaster. You were a little scared because it was the highest drop in the park but you were putting on a brave face. “Ready babe?” Luke called over the loud sound of the wind. “Course!” You half smiled. When it got to the drop, you let yourself go and just screamed, not a thrilling scream, but an actual oh-my-god-am-I-going-to-die scream. Luke look worried and as soon as the ride was over, he held you in his arms. “Are you alright? You looked quite scared.” You didn’t have enough time to reply because he turned your face towards him and planted a soft kiss on your lips. “Better?” “Yes,” You smiled back at him.

Calum: You and Calum were out on your second date at an ice cream parlour. It was a really fun date. You guys got to know each other a lot more and could make each other laugh a lot. People in the shop were giving you looks because you were both acting quite immature but you didn’t care. Calum put his ice cream on your face which covered your nose and your lips. You looked shocked at first but then you laughed at him. He inched closer to you and licked the ice cream off your nose. He made a movement to go to your lips but you moved your head back. “Is something wrong, Y/N?” You blushed, “This is really embarrassing for me to say, but Calum… I haven’t had my first kiss yet. Like, ever.” “That’s actually so sweet. C’mere babe,” He replied. He pulled you in and kissed you. “How was I?” You dared to ask. “Good, but there’ll be plenty of more times we can learn to get better.” Calum smirked.

Michael: You and Michael were at his house, cuddling on his couch watching TV. You guys were early into your relationship but you already felt like you knew each other a lot. You were so comfortable with him and you shared things that you had never shared before in a relationship. Oddly enough, you hadn’t kissed him yet. It wasn’t because you didn’t want to, it was just because you felt every time you got close to a guy, he’d end up breaking your heart. Michael had tried to kiss you before but you kept dodging the opportunities and was dreading the day he’d question you about it. Unfortunately, or not, today was that day. Michael looked over to you and stared at your lips, starting to move his head closer to yours. You held up a finger. “Wait, Michael.” “Okay, Y/N, what’s the problem? Does my breath stink? Do you not like me or?” He questioned, looking sad. “No, it’s just that… okay I’m worried that once I kiss you, you’ll leave me. It’s happened to me so many times before and I’m scared.” You replied. “Listen to me babe. I’m not those other guys you dated. I care about you, a lot. You know things about me that I haven’t even told the band. I really, really like you. Now will you please just shut up and kiss me?” He asked. You laughed and then advanced on him, kissing him deeply.

Ashton: You and Ashton were really great friends. Well, that’s what it seemed like on the outside but on the inside you started to develop feelings for him. You didn’t want to tell him because you were worried it’d ruin your friendship. Ashton was at your flat one night helping you pick out outfits for your birthday party. You tried to pick outfits that you think he’d like, and to your satisfaction, he did. When you got to your party dress, the one you were saving for the end because you really wanted to impress him, you frowned at the mirror. You started crying because you didn’t feel pretty in it anymore. You thought it hugged you in all the wrong places and felt worthless. Ashton heard you crying and came in. “Are you alright?” He pouted. “No I’m not. I feel so ugly. My dress doesn’t fit anymore and I wanted to wear it for my birthday. I’m so sorry to burden you with this, Ash.” You looked sadly to the floor. “Y/N, don’t say that. Don’t let a dress size define who you are. You look beautiful to me.” You got butterflies because you finally felt that Ashton had the same feelings that you had for him. “Really?” You asked. He didn’t answer, he just held your face and kissed you. “Yes I do, gorgeous.”

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