You Take Him To A Pumpkin Patch

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Michael: “Too many pumpkins, holy hell.” he muttered as you made your way through the pumpkins, trying to find the perfect one. “I don’t like any of these.” you say quietly as you search the pumpkins. “There’s hundreds of them, can’t you just pick one?” he tried but you shook your head. “No, Michael, it has to be the right one. Nice and big, but not too big and it has to be perfectly orange.” Michael groaned as you continued walking. “We’re going to be here all day!”

Ashton: “What about this one?” he asked holding up a decent sized pumpkin up for your inspection. You took it from him and nearly dropped it, it was so heavy, but he was there to keep it from hitting the ground. “Too heavy?” You smiled at him. “If you’re strong enough to carry it to the car, i want this one, Ashton. It’s perfect and you found it.” “What does me finding it have to do with anything?” You shrugged your shoulders. “Our first pumpkin together is all, no big deal.”

Luke: “And we get to pick whatever one that we want?” he asked, looking at a few that were close to each other before looking back at you so you could answer his question. “Yeah, try to find one that’s nice and plump and really orange!” you say with a grin and he shakes his head, sighing. “This one?” You look over his shoulder at the one he was talking about and nodded. “Yeah, that’ll be perfect for the house, should we get another one for the front door?” Luke looked at you with wide eyes. “You carry that one.”

Calum: “This is pointless, (YN)!” he says groaning. “It’s only going to last a few weeks, then die and smell horrible and you’re going to make me clean up the mess it makes. Actually, you’re probably going to make me clean it out too!” You stop walking and stare at him. “Actually i was going to help you out with this one, so, would you like a small pumpkin or a big pumpkin?” He pointed to a pumpkin that was just starting to grow and looked at you with a hopeful smile and you shook your head. “Stop trying to get out of it, Calum, let’s look for a bigger one.”

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