Hospital Trips

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Ashton: You literally had the worst of luck when it came to everyday life.  When you were on your way to work, you were mugged by two boys, one of them having a knife. It wasn’t life threatening, but your arm was bleeding fast and you were hit in the head pretty hard. You managed to get on a bus to the hospital and there, you were stitched up. Halfway through the process of being stitched up, your boyfriend, Ashton, burst through the door, looking worried. “Babe, what happened?! Oh my god, I was so worried about you!” He said, coming to your side as the doctor yet again, inserted another stitch into your wound, Ashton wincing as you were used to the pain, your arm was numb the whole time. After she finished, she sent you home with a prescription for painkillers and said, “And you, sir, Miss Y/N’s boyfriend, take good care of her. Look after her, give her some TLC.” And Ashton grinned, scooping you up and carrying you to the car, cooking your favourite food when you got home and watched your favourite movies for weeks. 

Luke: You were laying in your hospital bed, feeling dead and tired. After the accident, where it left your best friend in ICU, with severe head trauma and broken bones and was left in a critical condition. You, were laying in a busy hospital ward with no one worrying about since you weren’t talking to your parents and they probably wouldn’t care. You had a badly cut lip, stitches at your hairline, a broken arm and bruises, everywhere. A tall blonde boy was accompanied by his friends, and walked over to the girl who was two beds over. They stayed there for a bit and then she fell asleep. The blonde boy saw you were alone. You straightened your hair, feeling bare and naked since you had no makeup on and you were a mess. He came over. “You alone?” He asked. You nodded. “Where’s your parents? Friends?” He asked. “Parents don’t care. My best friend’s in ICU.” He sat down next to you on the chair. “If you don’t mind me saying, but why are you here?” He asked. “My friend and I ran in front of a car. My friend went through the windshield and I hit the front. You?” “My brother’s in hospital. Went with my bandmates to visit.” He said.  You both began talking for ages until it was end of visiting hours, but he came everyday until you were released, you two growing closer and closer ever since. He said his brother being in hospital was a blessing in disguise. 

Calum: You were waiting for the verdict on Calum in the waiting room full of sick people and injured people, as your boyfriend had earlier hurt his arm whilst attempting to pick up a damned speaker, which failed. You had repeatedly told him not to, but he didn’t listen, acting as if he was all strong. The same nurse who checked Calum in gestured for you to follow her, and you did, with a ton of questions. “Is Calum okay? Is it broken? It’s just that he’s got a few shows coming up and—” You carried on and she led you into a room where Calum was knocked out on the bed. “He’s fine. We had to surgically put the two bones together and put it in a cast. I hope red is a good colour. But, tell him to lay off the speakers. He’ll be able to play, but he’ll need assistance.” She said. “Press the buzzer when you’re ready to check out.” She then left the room and you sat on the chair next to Calum. You kissed his cheek and he stirred, sleepily moving aside and beckoning you to join him on the hospital bed. You two lay there together, him sleepily muttering weird things, and he said, “You know, this’d be a lot more romantic if we were laying in a field under the stars.” You rolled your eyes. “Well, that was your fault, my little dopey Cal.” You giggled, kissing him.

Michael: You were working the night shift at the hospital you were volunteering at, and a guy just came in with his three sober friends, the guy being completely hammered. He turned 18 just about a week ago, and was currently vomiting all over the floor. Someone transported him to a room and his friends were waiting to be cleared into the room. You were assigned the room since you were just volunteering that was your evening’s task. You came in with about ten cardboard vomit bowls and some meds. His friends were in the room, watching him as he was delirious. You weren’t allowed to laugh at them but his reverse skunk hairstyle made you laugh on the inside, plus the profanities he was yelling around. You got him to take some pills and he gripped onto your arm, saying, “Might I say you look amazing today,” He commented, eyeing you up and down. “Your uniform skirt is a little short but I don’t mind,” He added and you burst out laughing. “Go to sleep Mr Clifford.” You rolled your eyes. He was honestly sweet and in the morning, near the end of you shift, he was sobered and complained about massive headaches when you gave him breakfast. He was also sheepishly apologized for the things said and asked for your number so you’d get to know the real him. 

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