Playing In The Snow

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Luke: You stand on the porch, arms hugging yourself in a futile attempt to warm up. You watch your amusing boyfriend as he enjoys his first White Christmas, running through the snow and trying to catch snowflakes on his tongue. Feeling your eyes on him, Luke turns toward you, grinning when he catches you staring. He lays down in the snow, beginning to make a snow angel. You giggle and he looks up. “Why are you looking at me like that?” he asks. “You’re cute,” you answer. Luke’s nose, red from the cold, scrunches up as he considers you. “Why don’t you come play?” he asks, tilting his head to the side with curiosity. “It’s cold,” you explain, shivering as proof. Luke rolls his eyes, standing up from the snow as he responds, “It’s not that cold.” “It’s snowing!” you point out, not seeing how it could get any colder. “But it’s fun,” Luke argues with a childish grin. “I’m having fun standing here freezing,” you reply. Luke pouts, but goes back to playing in the snow. You watch with interest as he builds a tall mound of snow and crawls behind it. Luke gone from your view, you take the opportunity to look around at the beautiful snowy landscape. Suddenly a snowball hits you in the side. “Luke!” you shout indignantly, seeing your boyfriend peeking over his snow pile. “I’m sorry,” he laughs, “I just want you to come play!” “Do you want me to come kick your ass?” you ask, although you can’t help smiling at his childish antics. Luke laughs, shaking his head. He gets to his feet and hurries over to you, taking your numb hands in his own snowy ones. “Okay, this is gonna be fun,” he breathes, “Let’s spin.” Before you have time to process Luke’s suggestion, he’s running in a tight circle and taking you along for the ride. Holding hands, the two of you lean back, keeping each other up as you spin around. You tilt your head back, laughing and Luke does the same. It’s Luke that loses his footing first, falling back and causing you to fall the other way. You lay back in the snow laughing as Luke log rolls toward you. “See? It’s fun,” he says with a pleased smile. “Fine,” you give in, “you win.”

Michael: “Shh, get down,” Michael whispers, lowering himself behind the fort the two of you spent hours on. You have to admit, though, the fort is killer. As you lower yourself behind it, you admire the work you had both put in. From Michael’s idea of positioning it behind bushes to avoid detection to your magnificently crafted snowballs, you had everything you needed to attack Calum, Luke and Ashton when they arrived for their annual 5SOS Christmas party, which really only consisted of eating cookie dough and having a snowball fight. “It’s just the neighbor,” you say, rolling your eyes. “When are they gonna be here?” Michael groans, “It’s freezing out!” “We could find a way to warm ourselves,” you reply with a smirk, inching your face closer to Michael’s. “Not a bad idea,” Michael whispers before connecting his lips to yours. His mouth sends warmth radiating throughout your whole body, making you want more. You crawl onto his lap, your body tangling with his familiar one. “What are you two doing?” you hear a voice call. You jump away from Michael, looking over to see your neighbor, Mrs. Roberts, back from walking her dog. “Just sitting,” you reply with a casual shrug, quickly pushing Michael’s hands off of you. “She’s gonna think we’re weird,” Michael whispers. “She saw us making out behind a bush. She already knows we’re weird,” you retort. “We’re waiting for our friends,” Michael explains, “So we can hit them with snowballs.” “Ah,” Mrs. Roberts responds with a slow nod and a worried look, “Alright then.” “We’re not weird, I swear!” Michael insists. “Michael, give it up,” you mutter. “Are these your friends now?” she asks, pointing to Luke, Ashton and Calum who happen to be somersaulting through your front yard, no doubt expecting an attack. “Oh!” Michael whispers, “Get down!” You duck and Michael does the same. “Good luck,” Mrs. Roberts laughs before leaving. You each grab a snowball and you wait for Michael’s cue. “On three,” he whispers, “One, two, three!” You leap up from your hiding place, hitting Calum in the leg with a snowball as Michael pelts Ashton in the back. “Found them!” Luke shouts out the obvious, making you and Michael both laugh. “Get the happy couple!” Ashton shouts before the three of them charge at you.

Ashton: “No, no, no, it has to be bigger,” you insist, shaking your head at the small ball of snow Ashton holds. “This is as big as I can make it!” Ashton chuckles as he attempts to collect more snow on the ball in his hands. “Just, I dunno, pack it on,” you say with a shrug. You scoop up snow and press it onto the sphere, needing it to be big enough to be the base of your snowman. “Yeah,” you say, tilting your head to examine it, “I guess that’ll do.” “Okay,” Ashton laughs, placing it firmly on the ground. “So now we just - we make a medium sized one,” you say with a shrug. You scoop up an armful of snow and mold it into a misshapen ball before setting it haphazardly on top of the first. “Perfect,” you say with a satisfied nod. You begin making the head when you pause, noticing Ashton watching you in amusement. “Have you ever actually made a snowman?” Ashton asks, giggling at your poorly crafted spheres. “Well, I’ve never finished one,” you admit, making him laugh hysterically. “Neither have you!” you remind him defensively. “Yeah, but you’re the one that insisted it was easy,” Ashton points out. “It is easy!” you argue.” He looks from you to your deformed snowman and lets out another loud laugh. “I’ll show you,” you say, placing the head on top and looking around for something that will work as a nose. Not having a carrot, you use an oddly shaped leaf, figuring it looks more like a nose than a carrot anyway. “That’s creative,” Ashton says with a nod. You glare at him playfully and stick two rocks in as eyes, stepping back to examine your work. “See? I finished,” you say with a satisfied smile. “It’s pretty deformed,” Ashton giggles, “I feel kinda bad for it.” “Yeah, well, I wanted it to look like you,” you respond. “That was mean!” Ashton says, laughing all the same at your excellent comeback. “You know I love you,” you giggle, pecking his lips. “I love you, too,” Ashton smiles, “And I love your snowman.” “I’m gonna take a picture of it for twitter!” you tell him, hurrying to snap a picture and post it with the caption, “A portrait of Ashton ;)” Once posted, you turn to Ashton with a satisfied smile, only to see his smug grin. “What?” you ask, not knowing what that look means. “You forgot the arms,” Ashton says simply. You curse loudly, pushing your snowman to the ground in mock anguish as Ashton bursts out laughing. “I’m never making a snowman again,” you state firmly, crossing your arms. “Don’t worry, baby,” Ashton chuckles, “I love you even though your snowman sucked.” “Thanks, Ash,” you say, rolling your eyes but laughing all the same.

Calum: You lay back in the snow, making a snow angel as Calum watches you curiously. “You are so cute,” Calum says, shaking his head. “Don’t break my concentration,” you whisper as your arms and legs continue to wave across the snow. “How much concentration is needed for a snow angel?” Calum questions, raising an eyebrow at you. You glare up at him and he laughs. He stands below your feet and begins to lean forward, coming close to falling. “Don’t you dare ruin my angel,” you warn him as he grins mischievously down at you. “I mean it, Cal!” you add, although you know he won’t listen. A second later he falls forward, his hands catching himself in push up position over you. “Calum,” you sigh, “You ruined it.” “Sorry,” Calum says, biting back a giggle. “It was so pretty,” you sigh dramatically. “You’re so pretty,” Calum tells you, leaning down over you to peck your lips. “That doesn’t make up for you ruining my snow angel,” you inform him, blushing slightly. “You’re my snow angel,” he replies cheekily, smiling down at you. “I bet you say that to all the girls whose snow angels you ruin,” you mumble, your cheeks red from both the cold and Calum’s words. “That’s true,” Calum concedes, “But that list is remarkably short.” “How short?” you ask with a giggle. “There’s only one girl on it,” he informs you, “But I’d say she counts for twenty.” “You are so cheesy today,” you laugh. “I’m being serious,” Calum responds. “So I’m your first ruined snow angel?” you ask, grinning. “First and last,” Calum responds, pecking your lips again. He rolls to the side, landing in the snow next to you, and you roll after him, ending up on top of him in the snow. “Oh, hi,” he says with a grin. “Hi,” you whisper, very near Calum’s face. “This is much more fun than snow angels,” Calum murmurs as you connect your lips to his. “I’d say it’s a close second,” you respond cheekily. Calum giggles against your lips and you smile, wishing you could stay here for the rest of your life.

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