Meeting Again After The Breakup

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Luke: You were out with a group of friends, wanting to have some fun. You all were gathered together, making jokes and having fun. You got distracted when a couple of boys stumbled into the group.

"Sorry we’re late." It was Michael. You didn’t like the fact that he was here, not that you hated him but because Luke would be there too. You could see him in the back, towering everybody else.

Once the group scattered about, doing several things and getting the drinks and food, you went up to Luke who was talking to one of one of your close friends. You could tell that she was a bit at him too, like you were. After your friend noticed you standing there, she excused herself to give you two some privacy.

"Hey." Luke smiled shyly. Just like the first time you met.

"Hi, um, could you, like, not be here?" You said directly, not sparing his feelings. He looked down in embarrassment.

"But I was invited." He argued.

"By my friends."

"They’re my friends too."

"They wouldn’t have been if you and I never dated, so let’ just pretend that the past relationship never happened and scoot away." You felt a little hurt saying it to him, especially with very fiesty emotion since you still loved him, a lot.

"You and I don’t have to talk, but if you really are bothered by me talking to your friends, I think it shows that you’re jealous." He winked.

"I’m not jealous." You stated. "I just don’t want you breathing the same air as me." You turned your heel and walked away from him.

Ashton: You were on a stroll around your neighborhood. It was almost sunset, which was your favorite time of the day. You always took walks, but Ashton was always beside you, holding your hand or have his arms around your waist. You shrugged the memory off.

You pulled out your phone to keep you distracted from the memory or any of the other ones. When suddenly you bumped into a gloomy looking Ashton.

"Y/N" He breathed looking at you in shock. "I never got to apologize, I just want to say I’m sorry." He continued.

"Yeah, you did apologize, Ash, but a simple apology isn’t gonna do shit." You hissed at him. He looked down in embarrassment.

"I was being selfish, I felt like I didn’t have anything." He reasoned. You shook your head feeling the tears brim your eyes.

"You had me!" You exclaimed. "You had me Ashton, you know how that made me feel? It made me feel like shit, trash and it still does. So I hope she was goddamn worth losing me." You muttered pushing passed him and dared to never look back.

Calum: Calum’s POV:

"You left her?!" Mali-Koa exclaimed hitting me in the arm.

"Yeah." I replied sadly.

"Are you out of your mind?!" She punched my arm once again. "She was flat out the best in the world…and you left her? Calum, you need to reevaluate your decisions." She said a bit like a snob.

"She deserved somebody better, Mal." I shrugged her off. 

"Are you sure? It doesn’t get any better after you, Cal, I passed by Y/N sitting at a park bench alone, bawling her eyes out. She still loves you, I know most definitely that you love her just as much."

She was right, I did still love Y/N. Much more than any other girl I’ve ever loved in a romantic way. But did she make up the part where she was crying? It’s been three months already.

"What are you waiting for?  Are you going to get her or not?" Mali once again smacked me behind the head.

"Alright, okay!" I exclaimed standing up.


"Y/N?" Calum’s voice rang around your head, you started to wonder if you were hallucinating or not. You looked up from your phone to see him in front of you.

You started remember the night he left. Your heart started to beat faster and tears were starting to form in your eyes again. You missed him madly and you just want to be in his arms in that moment.

"Hi." You smiled.

"Are you okay?" He sat down in the swing next to you.

"Yeah…" You faking another smile.

"I don’t think you’re okay, you don’t look it." You looked at him with curious eyes.

"You can’t just say you think I’m not okay, Calum, that’s like me saying you’re still in love with me." You laughed a little and so did her.

"No it wouldn’t, because you’d be saying what’s true." Your head shot up and saw him grin.

"Y-you do?" 

"Yeah, the question do you?"

"I never stopped." You stood up and wrapped your arms around his neck and kissing him.

Michael: A year and a half had already passed and since the break up you still had Michael at the back of your head. He never left. Nobody ever appealed t you like Michael did, you hoped that one day he’d realize that you were still the one for him.

You were getting ready to leave for Uni, you had everything set. Your bags were packed, you plane ticket was in your hands. You exhaled deep breaths and shook your leg nervously.

"Bye Mum, bye Dad." You smiled as you tried to get out of your parents tight hugs.

"Bye sweetheart, be careful and remember to call us right when you land." Your Mum reminded you. You smiled and nodded entering the airport. 

Luckily you weren’t going to be alone for the flight. Two of your friends had gotten into the same Uni as you and you decided to go together.

"Y/N! Over here!" One of your friends called out, waving an arm and jumping so that you’d see her. You laughed a little and started making your way there.

It was only about fifteen minutes before the intercom had called out your flight. You picked up your bags and walked towards the lady who took the tickets. Accidentally, you dropped your plane ticket along with some magazines that you were reading while you waited. You bent down to pick them up and continued on.

"Y/N!" You heard the voice you’ve been longing to say your name in so long. "Wait!" Michael called out bolting towards you. You felt a smile creep on your lips as he got closer. 

"Miss, please, you’re the only one we’re waiting for." The woman behind the desk told you firmly.

"Yeah, just a second." You told her, putting the plane ticket in front of her.

Michael stopped to catch his breath in front of you. You could see him smiling too.

"Turns out there’s nobody else for me but you." He informed you then pulling you into a passionate kiss.

"This is great and all, but your timing is really shitty." You teased.

"Yeah, I know, but this time, I promise we can make this work, I promise." 

"Miss, please, the passengers are getting angry." The woman spoke once more expect now angrier.

"I’ll call you when I land." You gave him another kiss and ran into the plane. 

You couldn’t help but keep smiling, your life was finally getting back together.

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