We're Not Lovers = More Than Friends?

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Michael: "So what’s up with you and (Y/N)?" Michael looks up at Calum, confusion written on his face. He places his phone down on his lap.

"What do you mean?" 

"I mean, what’s up with you two? Are you dating? Lovers? Just friends? What?” he groans, flopping down on the couch next to him. Michael shakes his head, a smirk growing on his face.

"You want to know that bad Calum? So bad that you’d come to me and ask me in person, rather than going to one of the other boys or (Y/N) herself?" The smirk grows as Calum blushes and nods, not looking at Michael for fear that he’d get laughed out for wondering.

"Just so you know, I asked the boys already. They don’t know. And then they dared me to ask you…so yeah," he sheepishly replies. 

Michael laughs before wrapping his arms around Calum’s shoulders and whispering in his ear. Calum quickly gets up and walks off, leaving Michael behind so that he can continue to talk to you on his phone.

"So did you find out?" Luke pesters; Ashton poking Calum in the cheek.

"He said they’re not lovers, but they’re more than friends. Whatever that means," he mumbles. All the boys sit back and think, trying to figure it out.

"Got it!" Ashton says, snapping is fingers. "Friends with benefits, only way!" 

"That’s pretty crazy Ash. (Y/N)’s like a sister to us, are you sure you want to make that accusation?" Ashton sits back and nods.

"That’s the only way they can be more than friends, but not lovers." 

Calum and Luke look at each other, but nod their heads, coming to the conclusion that really, that was the only feasible answer. Though the thought is soon forgotten when they decide to play some Call Of Duty.

Luke: Gasping for breath, you both lay, looking up at the ceiling; not speaking for fear of shattering the moment. Turning your head, you see Luke has also turned to look at you.

"What?" you ask, pushing some of your hair off your sweaty face. 

He shrugs his shoulders, “Nothing. Just was thinking.”

"About what?" 

He sighs, “What we are. I mean, we’re not lovers. But we’re definitely more than friends.”

Moving to rest on your side, you place a hand on his chest. “Luke, I think we’re just friends.”

He stops your hand from drawing patterns on him and places it next to you. He sits up and grabs his clothes, pulling them on as he walks towards the door.

"Would friends casually fuck each other every day? Would they spend hours finding out what made the other squirm? What would make the other come undone right beneath them? I don’t think so (Y/N)," he snaps, resting his head against the wall.

Bunching the blankets around you, you get up and make your way over to him. Placing a hand on his shoulder, you lean down so you can look him in the eyes. “Okay Luke. So we’re not just friends. But if we’re not lovers, what are we?”

He lets a deep breath out, wrapping his arms around you and pulling you into him. “I don’t know, but I’m afraid to.”

Calum: "You told them what?!” you screech, tugging your hand through your hair.

Calum pushes himself off the door frame. “I told them we were friends with benefits. You know, fuck buddies. No strings attached. Whatever you want to call it.”

Turning around, you point a finger at him, anger rolling off you in waves. “I cannot believe you’d tell your band mates that we were casually doing each other! Why would you tell anyone that? It makes me sound like a whore!”

He strides over to you, putting your hand back by your side and giving you a smirk. “Hey, it could have been worse. I could have said you were a man and I was actually gay. Then it would be fine if I wasn’t in a relationship,” he jokes.

"Not funny Calum. Seriously, that’s just awful. Listen, I don’t know if you ever noticed, but I can’t just let you keep doing this! I mean, I know we told each other ‘no strings attached’ and what not, but I don’t know if I can do that anymore," you calmly reply, trying to control your shaking.

His head cocks to the side and he pouts, “But I thought you liked it? Am I not good enough? Do I not satisfy you, cause I can always try something else!”

You shake your head, putting your hand up to stop him. “No Cal, that’s not it. I’m falling for you and I can’t do this. Not anymore. I’m so sorry.”

There’s a pause, and the following space has such tension in it that you can feel every heart beat like never before. Suddenly, there’s the squeaking of shoes and the slam of a door as Calum walks out of your house. You’re not sure if it’s forever, or just for now, but it hurts all the same.

Ashton: The interview is going well; until they bring up the topic of girlfriends. Then all hell breaks loose. 

"So, who here has a girlfriend?" Only Luke raises his hand, causing many of the girls in the crowd to cry out in protest.

He shrugs and let’s it pass, knowing that the true fans would be happy to hear what he has to say about his girlfriend. The interviewer seems to be taking a distinct liking in Ashton’s love life though.

"I’m surprised you didn’t raise your hand Ashton. Aren’t you in a relationship?" His head shoots up, his eyebrows furrowing in confusion. He shakes his head.

"No? Well, we’ve got some pictures here of you and a girl that seem to say otherwise," the interviewer comments as the pictures show up on the TV screen. 

Blushing, Ashton tries to hide his face behind his hands, knowing this won’t end well. Brushing it off like nothing was wrong, the interviewer continued to pester him. 

"Who is she? And how is it you two aren’t in a relationship, yet she’s always caught leaving your hotel with you, or with something of yours on?" His questions are beginning to get on Ash’s nerves and he balls his hands into fists, not seeing what was so important about this. 

"She’s a friend. Or…a bit more than that," he says through gritted teeth.

The interviewer raises an eyebrow, “So a lover then?”

Ashton shakes his head no. “We aren’t going out. Nor are we just friends. We’re not lovers either, so don’t pin it on me that we are. I don’t feel comfortable talking about it right now.”

With a sigh, the interviewer gives up, knowing that there was no cracking it out of Ashton. Instead, he turns to one of the other boys. Namely, Michael.

"Who is she Michael?"

"Her name’s (Y/N), and she’s a friend to all of us. Like Ashton said, that’s not something any of us feel comfortable talking about. It could really hurt (Y/N), so we’d like to leave that be until they’ve worked out everything."

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