Your Birthday

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Calum: “Happy birthday babe.” The first words you heard after you opened your eyes, Calums face was not more than three inches from yours and you could tell he was excited. “now that you’re awake I want to show you something.” He smiled at you and you smiled back. He helped you out of bed, stretching while rubbing your groggy eyes. “babe, it’s way to early for this.” You said sitting back down on the bed. You could tell Calum was anxious by the way he was pacing around the front of your bed, “But you need to hurry.” He grabbed your hand and brought you downstairs, “I MADE YOU BREAKFAST” he shouted, “and I didn’t even burn the pancakes.” You couldn’t help but smile and give him a morning kiss. “I love you Calum”, “I love you more (Y/N).”

Luke: “Happy birthday dear (Y/N) happy birthday to you..” Luke sang before you blew out the candles on the cake. Your family cheered, and Luke sat staring at you. Your cheeks were on fire, and they sure matched the color of the pink frosting that covered your birthday cake. You leaned over and took Luke’s face in your hands and gave it a kiss. “Thank you.” You whispered before looking out at your family. “(Y/N).” You looked back over at Luke and saw him crouched down in front of you, you couldn’t believe your eyes. “Is this really happening?” You said before looking around at your loved ones who were just as shocked as you, your hands moved to your mouth as you struggled to find the words to replay. “y-y-Yes.” Tears pouring from your eyes Luke’s face met yours.. “Happy birthday darling.” He said before gently pressing his lips on yours.

Michael: “Hey punk.” You looked over at Michael who was watching you get ready for your birthday dinner at your parents, “we are late.” He chuckled before throwing your leggings at you. “Michael, you throwing things at me won’t make me get ready any faster.” You shot a quick smirk at him before turning back towards the mirror to finish your makeup. You watched as Michael got up and walked towards you, “(Y/N) are you almost done, I’m starving and your moms making that pasta I love.” He whined, “with the red sauce.” You glanced at the frown that had appeared on your boyfriends face. “Yes, but while I put my leggings and boots on will you go grab the box on the counter downstairs?” You asked, “maybe.” He winked before racing down the stairs. You were dressed and ready to go by the time he opened your bedroom door and walked in with the small box. His hand tightly wrapped around it made it look so small, he handed it to you. “No, it’s for you.” You giggled,”Is this some kind of joke?” He started laughing before opening the box, his eyes grew wide and he looked up at you, “is this real?” He lifted the pregnancy test up from the box, “are we going to have a baby?” You shook your head, “happy birthday?” You said nervously. Michael walked over to you, “we are having a baby.” He placed his hands on your stomach and gently kissed your lips, “We are going to have a little family, happy birthday (Y/N).”

Ashton: “Today three years ago I met my gorgeous girlfriend at one of my concerts! I want to thank her parents for buying her the tickets and I want to thank everyone here for coming and celebrating (Y/N’s) birthday with us.” Ashton stumbled of the stage and grabbed you in arms, his green eyes stared into yours before leaning in for a kiss. Soon after the party was over you and Ashton headed back to your small flat in Manhattan, “Looks like you forgot to shut the light off.” You teased Ashton before entering the building. Your flat was almost at the top of the building and could easily be seen from the street. “Oops.” He said smiling at you, “Maybe it was you.” He joked around, the elevator ride seemed to take forever, but maybe that was because you were exhausted. Ashton unlocked the door to your flat and held the door as you walked in, you noticed a small box placed directly on the floor in front of you. “Ashton what is this?” You giggled and picked it up and began unwrapping it. You opened the box and pulled out a small book, pictures of you guys flooded the pages, there were tickets to every movie you guys saw together, arcade tickets, and even the piece of paper that you gave Ashton three years ago today with your cell number written in blue ink that had been smudged by his sweaty fingers. You began to tear up before Ashton could say anything, “I can’t believe this.. This is incredible.” You dug your head into his chest, “thank you Ashton.” He placed his finger under your chin and lead your head to his, he kissed your forehead softly, “you’re welcome darling, I love you with all of my heart and I hope you never forget that. Happy birthday, and anniversary (Y/N).”

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